Iranians Celebrate Death of President Raisi in Defiance of Regime

President Ebrahim Raisi's death in a helicopter crash has sparked a mix of mourning and celebration in Iran, as opponents of the "Butcher of Tehran" took to the streets to express their joy.

Iranians Celebrate Death of President Raisi in Defiance of Regime

On Monday, Iran proclaimed five days of mourning after President Ebrahim Raisi was killed in a helicopter crash. However, amidst the official mourning ceremonies, videos and reports emerged of Iranians opposed to the regime celebrating Raisi's death in the streets.

Fireworks were launched into the night, a woman passed out sweets, and people cheered in a video posted online by opponents of the regime following Raisi's demise. The video provided a stark contrast to the official state-sponsored funeral ceremonies.

Iranians Celebrate Death of President Raisi in Defiance of Regime

Ali Safavi, a member of the National Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) Foreign Affairs Committee – Iran's parliament in exile – hailed the demonstrations as "a glimmer of hope for a future free from the brutal repression that Raisi epitomized."

He emphasized the deep-seated hatred and aversion that the Iranian people felt towards Raisi, whose legacy is indelibly intertwined with the darkest chapters of Iran's recent history.

Iranians Celebrate Death of President Raisi in Defiance of Regime

Human rights activists and critics of the Iranian theocracy denounced Raisi as a murderer and authoritarian responsible for a crackdown on protesters during the 2022-2023 demonstrations sparked by the death in custody of Mahsa Amini, a young Iranian Kurdish woman arrested for alleged violations of the country's dress code.

Raisi's involvement in the 1988 massacre, which resulted in the execution of 30,000 political prisoners, left an enduring scar on countless families. "His direct role... remains a deeply painful memory for countless families," Safavi noted.

Iranians Celebrate Death of President Raisi in Defiance of Regime

Despite Raisi's brutal legacy, thousands of mourners were seen in Iran on Tuesday for state-sponsored funeral ceremonies. Prosecutors warned against any public displays of celebration over Raisi's death, and a heavy security presence was noticeable on the streets of Tehran.

The United Nations flag was lowered to half-staff in honor of Raisi, a move that drew criticism from human rights activists and Iranian opposition leaders. The show of support for the regime in Tehran dismayed those who felt it undermined the values of justice and human rights.

Iranians Celebrate Death of President Raisi in Defiance of Regime

"It is utterly regrettable that some Western governments have chosen to express grief over Raisi's death," Safavi said, calling it an insult to the Iranian people and a betrayal of justice.

He urged Western governments to stand in solidarity with the Iranian people and support their quest for justice and accountability for the regime's crimes against humanity.

The Associated Press and Reuters contributed to this report.