Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Amidst rising tensions in the Middle East, Sen. Lindsey Graham demands Israel to launch attacks against Iran's oil refineries to curb its nuclear ambitions and aggression.

As Iran's threats to launch a massive attack against U.S. ally Israel and American interests in the region escalate, Senator Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., has issued a stark warning.

During an interview with Fox News' Sean Hannity, Graham called for Israel to take decisive action against Iran's oil refineries to impede its nuclear weapons program and halt its aggressive rhetoric. He emphasized that Iran's regime is on the verge of producing a nuclear bomb and that its ability to weaponize nuclear material has significantly advanced.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Graham's concerns stem from a recent review of a Director of National Intelligence (DNI) report on Iran's atomic program. The report concludes that Iran is merely weeks or months away from acquiring a nuclear weapon. "If we do not change course, Iran will possess a nuclear weapon in the coming weeks or months," Graham warned.

He added that Iran will continue its nuclear pursuit unless confronted with clear red lines. "The idea of ambiguity is not working," Graham reiterated.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

The senator's alarm over Iran's nuclear advancements prompted him to send a strongly worded letter to DNI head Avril Haines, accusing her of violating the law by refusing to disclose sensitive information on Iran's nuclear progress to Congress. Congress passed a law in 2022 mandating the government to provide updates on Iran's atomic program. Haines eventually complied after Graham went public with his concerns.

Graham's call for military action against Iran's oil refineries stems from his conviction that Iran's support for terrorist organizations like Hamas and Hezbollah is inextricably linked to its nuclear aspirations. "There is no Hamas or Hezbollah without Iran," he stated.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

In April, Iran launched over 300 missiles, drones, and rockets into Israel. A spokesperson for the U.S. State Department emphasized that the United States will ensure that Iran never acquires a nuclear weapon and that all options remain on the table.

However, Graham's assessment contradicts the Biden administration's stance that Iran has not restarted its nuclear weapons program. Intelligence reports from European states suggest otherwise, indicating that Iran's development of weapons-grade uranium brings it closer to a possible nuclear test.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Despite the Biden administration's alleged appeasement toward Iran's regime and the unfreezing of billions of dollars in sanctions relief, the State Department spokesperson maintained that the U.S. has not lifted any Iran sanctions and continues to increase pressure on the regime.

Republican lawmakers and Iran experts have criticized the Biden administration for its perceived weakness in dealing with Iran. They argue that sanctions relief has emboldened the mullah regime and weakened the U.S.'s position.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

David Albright, a leading expert on Iran's nuclear program, agrees with Graham's concerns about Iran's progress but cautioned against speculating on specific weaponization advancements based on the senator's limited comments. Albright emphasized the importance of accurate intelligence assessment, particularly in the context of Iran's ability to produce weapon-grade uranium and assemble a nuclear weapon.

According to Albright, Iran has not officially decided to build nuclear weapons and has not initiated a breakout phase to produce weapon-grade uranium. However, the deeply buried Fordow site now provides Iran with the capability to produce significant quantities of weapon-grade uranium quickly.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Gabriel Noronha, a former U.S. Department State adviser on Iran, acknowledged Iran's accelerated nuclear enrichment while cautioning that it is unclear how close Iran is to assembling a weapon and mounting it on a missile capable of reaching Israel. Noronha urged the Biden administration to set clear red lines and be prepared to back them up with military action, if necessary.

As tensions heighten in the Middle East, Israel remains on high alert and ready to defend itself against any threats from Iran. The international community is closely monitoring the situation, aware of the potential consequences if Iran's nuclear ambitions are not curtailed effectively.

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries

Iran's Nuclear Threat Intensifies: Lindsey Graham Calls for Destruction of Iranian Oil Refineries