Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

The United Nations Security Council convened on Wednesday after Iran launched an unprecedented missile attack on Israel. The meeting was overshadowed by Israel's announcement banning UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres for failing to condemn Iran.

The United Nations Security Council (UNSC) assembled on Wednesday following Iran's audacious missile attack on Israel. However, the meeting was overshadowed by Israel's declaration that it had banned UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres due to his failure to denounce Iran.

Israel's Foreign Minister, Israel Katz, vehemently stated that any individual who refrains from unequivocally condemning Iran's heinous assault on Israel does not deserve to set foot on Israeli territory. He denounced Guterres as "an anti-Israel secretary-general who supports terrorists, rapists, and murderers."

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Katz's diatribe continued, declaring Guterres a permanent stain on the UN's history. He accused Guterres of turning a blind eye to Hamas's atrocities on October 7 and failing to denounce the terrorist organization.

On Tuesday, Iran unleashed over 180 ballistic missiles at Israel following the demise of Hezbollah Secretary-General Hassan Nasrallah and Israel's incursion into Lebanon to target the terrorist group.

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Guterres's tardy and muted statement on Iran's attack, referring to it as "the latest attacks in the Middle East," further inflamed Israel's ire. He also criticized Israel's actions in Gaza and the West Bank, claiming that Israel had executed "the most deadly and destructive military campaign" in his tenure.

Guterres's portrayal of Israeli military operations as the primary source of Palestinian suffering incensed Israel. His failure to explicitly denounce Iran or even mention its involvement further fueled Israel's outrage.

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

The Israeli government responded swiftly by declaring Guterres persona non grata, effectively barring him from entering its borders. Katz asserted that those who fail to condemn Iran's attack, as almost all nations worldwide have done, are unworthy of setting foot on Israeli soil.

Guterres appeared to grasp the gravity of the situation later, telling council members, "As I did in relation to the Iranian attack in April – and as should have been obvious yesterday in the context of the condemnation I expressed – I again strongly condemn yesterday's massive missile attack by Iran on Israel."

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Israel's ban on Guterres sparked indignation from Algeria, which initially expressed unwavering support for the secretary-general. However, several permanent council members explicitly backed Israel and condemned Iran for its aggression.

U.S. Ambassador Linda Thomas-Greenfield unequivocally denounced Iran's attack and called for increased sanctions against Tehran. She explicitly linked Iran to the October 7 attack on Israel, alleging that Iran was complicit "through its funding, training, capabilities, and support for the military wing of Hamas."

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Israel Declares UN Secretary-General Persona Non Grata After Iran Attack

Thomas-Greenfield emphasized that Iran's intention was to inflict massive damage and death in Israel to avenge the deaths of two IRGC-supported terrorist leaders and an IRGC commander.

The United Kingdom joined the chorus of condemnation against Iran's attack, expressing "full support" for Israel's right to self-defense. France urged Iran to refrain from actions that could destabilize the region further and denounced the attack that targeted civilians in Jaffa.

Iran presented its defense before the council, arguing that the Security Council has been paralyzed by the United States' obstruction. It accused permanent members, France and the United Kingdom, of being "serious enablers" of Israel who attempt to justify Israeli crimes under the guise of self-defense, shifting the blame onto Iran.