Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Magen David Adom paramedic Aryeh Myers shares insights into Israel's medical preparedness in the face of Hezbollah attacks, trotz partial arms embargo by the Biden administration.

Israel's national emergency medical service, Magen David Adom (MDA), is ramping up its preparedness for potential attacks by Hezbollah, a Lebanese militant group, even as the country faces a partial arms embargo from the United States.

Aryeh Myers, a paramedic with MDA, told Fox News Digital that the organization is constantly training its personnel and updating its equipment to handle mass casualty events.

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

"We have a lot of experience dealing with trauma, and we're always training for the worst-case scenario," Myers said. "We have a very well-developed system of triage and evacuation, and we're able to get patients to the hospital quickly and efficiently."

MDA has over 25,000 volunteers and employees who provide emergency medical services throughout Israel. The organization has a fleet of over 1,000 ambulances and operates 150 emergency medical centers.

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

In recent months, Hezbollah has launched several rocket attacks on Israel, killing and injuring dozens of civilians. The most recent attack, on July 28, killed 12 children and teens and injured 29 more.

The Biden administration has been criticized for putting a hold on the delivery of weapons to Israel, including 1,800 2,000-pound bombs and 1,700 500-pound bombs. The hold was put in place as a result of a review of "proposed transfers of particular weapons to Israel that might be used in Rafah" in Gaza.

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Republican senators have denounced the administration's actions, saying that they have "left Israel exposed and our enemies emboldened."

"The ultimate responsibility for this attack rests with Hezbollah and the ayatollahs in Iran," the Republican conference said in a letter to Biden. "However, while Tehran financed the attack and Hezbollah conducted it, your fear of escalation has left Israel exposed and our enemies emboldened."

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

The senators also pointed out that the administration's actions go against the will of Congress, which earlier this year passed a $95 billion supplemental foreign aid package with assistance for Israel, Ukraine, and the Indo-Pacific.

"Your stalling tactics are endangering our greatest ally in the Middle East and jeopardizing the lives of our American servicemembers stationed in the region," the Republicans warned.

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Israel's Emergency Medical Service Prepares for Hezbollah Threat Despite Partial Arms Embargo

Despite the arms embargo, MDA is confident in its ability to handle any potential attacks by Hezbollah.

"We're not going to let them intimidate us," Myers said. "We're going to continue to provide the best possible care to the people of Israel."

In addition to its emergency medical services, MDA also provides a variety of other services, including blood donation, disaster relief, and community outreach. The organization is a vital part of Israel's healthcare system and plays a key role in keeping the country safe.