Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's ongoing battle against Islamic terrorism is a fight for its very existence, as former IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus explains. Unlike the U.S. experience in Afghanistan, Israel's proximity to the threat demands a comprehensive strategy that includes military action, diplomatic efforts, and addressing underlying causes of extremism.

Nestled in a volatile region fraught with threats from numerous terrorist organizations, Israel's fight against Islamic extremism is a continuous battle for survival. Former IDF spokesman Jonathan Conricus, now a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, emphasizes that Israel's position on the frontlines of this fight makes it a matter of existence.

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Since its inception, Israel has faced existential threats from various militant groups, including fedayeen and the Palestinian Liberation Organization. Currently, it confronts nearly two dozen terrorist organizations operating from Gaza, the West Bank, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, all funded by Iran under its "ring of fire" strategy to encircle the Jewish state.

However, unlike the U.S.'s efforts in Afghanistan, Israel's fight against terrorism cannot end with the defeat of militant groups, as there is a constant threat of recruiting and replenishing their ranks. Conricus explains that the challenge lies in persuading hearts and minds and defeating the scourge of extremist Islamism.

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Moreover, Israel's proximity to the threat poses a unique challenge. As Conricus states, "We are fighting for our very existence." The ongoing conflict has resulted in the deaths of over 40,000 Palestinians, 700 Israeli soldiers, and roughly 1,200 Israeli civilians.

While Israel faces international criticism for its aggressive tactics, retired U.S. Air Force Lt. Gen Charles Moore argues that eliminating the immediate threat to Israel's safety is essential. He suggests a comprehensive approach that includes the establishment of a governing body in Gaza to ensure improved living conditions and regional economic cooperation, along with military action, advanced intelligence, and technological innovation.

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Another major factor influencing the proliferation of terrorist organizations in the region is Iran, which provides funding and weapons to these groups. Both Conricus and Moore advocate for stricter measures against Tehran, including increased sanctions and military action, to deter its support of terrorism.

Conricus proposes the formation of a coalition of "willing countries" in the region to unite against Iran and Islamic extremism. He highlights the importance of vision, leadership, and diplomacy, with U.S. support being crucial.

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Despite the recent cease-fire proposal put forward by mediators, uncertainty remains about the future of the Gaza conflict. Conricus maintains that Israel's fight against terrorism cannot cease until Hamas is eradicated from Gaza, as it represents an existential threat to Israel's existence.

"Unlike for the U.S., it’s very much a zero-sum game – we either fight and exist and defend ourselves, or we don’t exist, because that is the aspiration of the enemies," he concludes.

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival

Israel's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for SurvivalIsrael's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for SurvivalIsrael's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for SurvivalIsrael's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for SurvivalIsrael's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for SurvivalIsrael's Eternal Fight Against Islamic Extremism: A Zero-Sum Game for Survival