Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli

Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli discusses Italy's leadership in curbing illegal migration, its positive impact on the European Union, and its diplomatic initiatives in North Africa and beyond.

Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli

Italy's Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli recently sat down with Fox News Digital to discuss Italy's role in the world and its influence on the European Union. Cirielli, a close ally to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and co-founder of her party, Fratelli D'Italia, shared his insights on Italy's stance on illegal migration, its impact on the EU, and its diplomatic initiatives in North Africa and beyond.

Cirielli asserted that Italy has taken a proactive stance in curbing illegal migration, inspiring the European Union to follow its lead. He highlighted the partnership between Prime Minister Meloni and European Union President Ursula von der Leyen in addressing this issue, citing their interventions in Egypt and Tunisia and plans for action in Libya.

Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli

Cirielli expressed that Italy's strong conservative stance has influenced the European Union's policies. He emphasized Meloni's leadership in the European Conservative Party, which is poised to shape the EU's direction in the upcoming European Parliament elections.

Cirielli acknowledged Italy's declining birth rates, a concern shared by other Western European nations. He outlined the government's initiatives to support birth rates and young couples, including financial incentives and social campaigns to encourage a positive mindset towards childbearing.

Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli

Cirielli emphasized Italy's partnership with North African countries through the Mattei Plan, which aims to address the root causes of migration by promoting education, agriculture, and energy development. He stressed the importance of preventing illegal departures and providing legal channels for migration.

Cirielli condemned Iran's actions in the Arabian Peninsula but acknowledged Iran's moderate response to Israel's bombing of a consular office. He emphasized the G-7's call for de-escalation and support for Israel's right to self-defense.

Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli

Cirielli explained Italy's decision to withdraw from China's Belt and Road Initiative, citing concerns over inconsistencies with the North Atlantic Treaty alliance and the European Union. He emphasized that this move does not signal a halt in relations but rather a shift towards a more balanced economic and social partnership.

Cirielli concluded with a vision for Italy's future. He expressed confidence that Meloni's leadership and Italy's conservative stance will inspire positive change in Europe and beyond. He emphasized the need for global cooperation and a focus on addressing the root causes of migration and other pressing issues.

Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli

Cirielli's interview underscores Italy's growing influence on the international stage under Prime Minister Meloni's leadership. Italy's initiatives on illegal migration, its impact on the EU, and its diplomatic efforts in North Africa and beyond demonstrate its commitment to fostering stability and addressing global challenges.

Italy's Influence on the EU and the Global Stage: An Interview with Deputy Foreign Minister Edmondo Cirielli