Jack Osbourne Recounts Accidental Shooting Incident with Sister Kelly: "It Was Like Someone Putting a Hot Poker Through My Leg

Jack and Kelly Osbourne shared a harrowing childhood experience on their podcast, "The Osbournes," revealing that Jack accidentally shot Kelly with a pellet gun, causing a painful injury.

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In a recent episode of their podcast, "The Osbournes," siblings Jack and Kelly Osbourne recalled a terrifying incident from their childhood when Jack accidentally shot Kelly with a pellet gun. The incident left Kelly with a painful leg wound and left a lasting impression on both siblings.

Kelly vividly recounted the experience, describing the intense pain as a "hot poker" being thrust through her leg. Jack expressed remorse for the accident, stating that it was a "complete accident" that had occurred while their parents, Sharon and Ozzy, were out of town.

"It was a pellet gun, but you can still kill someone with a pellet gun," said Jack. "[It] went straight through my leg and out the other side," Kelly recalled, adding that the most painful part was not the initial impact but the hospital treatment she received.

The Osbournes were in a remote area of England at the time of the accident, and the hospital they visited had malfunctioning X-ray equipment. According to Kelly, doctors used a cue tip dipped in iodine to probe the wound, causing further discomfort.

Jack acknowledged his responsibility for the shooting, emphasizing that it was his fault as the person operating the firearm. However, he also pointed out that Kelly had contributed to the accident by running in front of him while he was shooting.

The incident has clearly left a mark on the siblings, with Kelly admitting that she still has occasional pain in her leg from the injury. Jack, on the other hand, has always carried a sense of guilt for what happened.

"I've always felt really bad about it," said Jack. "I mean, she's my sister. I love her more than anything in the world. And I never wanted to hurt her."

The Osbournes recently relaunched their podcast, which has been a platform for them to share personal stories and experiences. The podcast has been well-received by fans, who appreciate the siblings' candor and willingness to discuss their lives openly.

Kelly's revelation about the shooting incident has resonated with listeners, who have praised her bravery for sharing her experience. The incident serves as a reminder of the importance of gun safety and the potential consequences of even seemingly harmless mistakes.

Despite the painful memory, the Osbournes have maintained a close and loving relationship throughout their lives. They continue to support each other through both good times and difficult ones, and their podcast has become a platform for them to connect with their fans and share their unique family dynamic.