Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

CNN anchor Jake Tapper, who relentlessly promoted the Russian collusion hoax that plagued the Trump presidency, has undergone a remarkable shift in his attitude following the release of the Durham Report. Tapper's transformation from Russiagate proponent to Durham Report advocate has raised eyebrows among critics.

For years, CNN anchor Jake Tapper spearheaded CNN's extensive coverage of the Russian collusion hoax, a politically motivated narrative that haunted the Trump presidency. However, Tapper's stance has undergone a dramatic transformation in the wake of the Durham Report, which has exposed the baselessness of the Russiagate allegations.

Tapper's previous hostile coverage towards former President Trump had raised concerns about his objectivity when it was announced that he would moderate the first presidential debate this year. Trump himself expressed some optimism that CNN could be fair to him, noting that he "used to get along" with Tapper.

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Despite these hopes, Tapper's extensive history of anti-Trump commentary remains a significant factor. Here are five of his most notable examples:

1. **Trump's Presidency as a "Long National Nightmare":** In 2020, Tapper declared that the election of Joe Biden had ended "the long national nightmare" of Trump's presidency. He condemned Trump's administration for its divisions, failures, and disregard for truth and facts.

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

2. **Linking Trump to Adolf Hitler:** Tapper drew parallels between Trump's remarks about immigrants and Adolf Hitler's rhetoric. He evoked Hitler's description of immigrants as "poisoning the blood" and suggested that Trump's language mirrored this sentiment.

3. **Shaming Trump for Getting COVID:** During Trump's hospitalization for COVID-19 in 2020, Tapper criticized the president for his handling of the pandemic. He accused Trump of demonstrating a "wanton disregard for human life" by not wearing masks and attending events without social distancing.

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

4. **Trump's Debate Performances in 2020:** Tapper characterized Trump's performance at the first presidential debate against Biden as a "disgrace" and "the worst debate I have ever seen." He accused Trump of interrupting, lying, and maliciously attacking Biden's son.

5. **Rebuking Producers for Airing Trump with Supporters:** Last year, Tapper rebuked his CNN producers for continuing to show footage of Trump celebrating with his supporters after he pleaded not guilty to mishandling classified documents. He dismissed their actions as an attempt to turn a serious matter into a campaign commercial.

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Tapper's sharp reversal on Russiagate has sparked speculation about his motives. Some suggest that he may be trying to rehabilitate his image in the face of the Durham Report's findings. Others believe that he has simply realized the truth about the hoax that he once promoted.

Regardless of his reasons, Tapper's shift in stance underscores the profound impact of the Durham Report in discrediting the Russiagate narrative. It also raises questions about the role of media figures in promoting political agendas and whether they are willing to acknowledge their errors when faced with compelling evidence to the contrary.

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer

Jake Tapper's Russiagate Reversal: From Hoaxmonger to Durham Report Embracer