James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

Democratic strategist James Carville has defended his controversial comments about "preachy females" dominating the Democratic Party's messaging, saying that the party has a problem with male voters and that his comments were simply meant to provoke discussion on the issue.

Democratic strategist James Carville has doubled down on his controversial comments about "preachy females" dominating the Democratic Party's messaging, saying that he believes the party has a problem with male voters and that his comments were simply meant to provoke discussion on the issue.

In an interview on CNN on Thursday, Carville responded to criticism of his comments, which he first made in an interview with The New York Times in March. In that interview, Carville said that "preachy females" were to blame for the Democratic Party's focus on "wokeness" and its problems with male voters.

James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

Carville's comments were met with widespread criticism from some Democrats, including Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who called them "sexist" and "misogynistic."

However, Carville has defended his comments, saying that he believes the Democratic Party has a problem with male voters and that his comments were simply meant to provoke discussion on the issue.

James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

"I view my role as somewhat of a provocateur, and we have a male problem," Carville said in the interview on CNN. "How do I do that? Do I tell Maureen Dowd of The New York Times that a close analysis of the regression group indicates that we had insufficient support among American males? No one is going to remember that. So if I say something like, ‘Our culture has too many preachy females in it,’ you know what? Everybody remembers it."

Carville added that he believes the Democratic Party's messaging has become "too feminine" and that the party needs to do a better job of appealing to male voters.

James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

James Carville Defends 'Preachy Females' Comment, Says Democrats Have a Male Problem

"The message is too feminine: ‘Everything you’re doing is destroying the planet. You’ve got to eat your peas.’" Carville said in the interview with The New York Times.

Carville's comments have sparked a debate within the Democratic Party about the party's messaging and its appeal to male voters. Some Democrats have argued that the party needs to do a better job of appealing to male voters, while others have said that the party should not change its message to appeal to a specific demographic.

The Democratic Party's messaging has been a topic of debate for several years, with some Democrats arguing that the party needs to do a better job of connecting with working-class voters. In 2016, then-candidate Donald Trump won the presidency in part by appealing to white working-class voters in the Rust Belt.

Some Democrats believe that the party needs to do a better job of appealing to these voters, while others argue that the party should focus on its core base of support.

The Democratic Party's messaging will likely continue to be a topic of debate in the lead-up to the 2020 presidential election.