Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s

Jane Seymour, renowned actress and former Bond girl, shares her surprising insights on finding love in your golden years after finding her "amazing guy," John Zambetti.

Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s

At the tender age of 73, Jane Seymour has found love and happiness with her boyfriend, John Zambetti. Seymour, known for her iconic roles in films like "Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman" and "Somewhere in Time," recently opened up about her relationship and shared her surprising dating advice for people in their 70s.

"I'm very loved and very supported and he's an amazing guy. He's really interested in what I do and loves it and thinks I'm good," Seymour told Fox News Digital at the 24th Annual Beverly Hills Film Festival.

Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s

Seymour's affection for Zambetti is evident in her praise for his character. She highlighted his interest in her work and his unwavering support. "And I support what he's doing. He's writing music, performing, and it's really great," she added.

Zambetti's presence was felt during the interview, as Seymour playfully acknowledged his attempt to photograph her. "Hello, darling, are you a paparazzi?" she teased with a laugh.

Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s

Seymour believes she has found a true gem in Zambetti. "I'm having the happiest time of my life. In many ways," she said. She also shared her unconventional dating advice for those in their 70s: "I don't know, stop looking!"

Seymour and Zambetti have taken a unique approach to celebrating their relationship by opting for monthly anniversaries instead of yearly ones. "This time in life, you're not going to wait 50 years, are you?" she questioned.

Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s

Beyond her personal life, Seymour is also using her platform to shed light on important issues. She stars in a short film titled "And You Are?..." where she plays a grandmother with Alzheimer's who struggles to connect with her trans grandson.

"I am a woman that has Alzheimer's and she gets very frustrated when she doesn't remember that she's doing the same thing over and over, and she doesn't really know what's going on except that she's wonderfully happily surprised when her grandchild comes to visit," Seymour explained about her character.

Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s

The film explores the juxtaposition between Seymour's character, who can only access the past, and her grandson, who focuses solely on the present. "And they come together in this incredible moving little movie, where she suddenly turns around and recognizes him as who he is," Seymour said.

Seymour is not only an advocate for love but also an outspoken critic of ageism in Hollywood. "I don't think there is a sell-by date for women," she previously stated. Her work and personal journey serve as an inspiration for women of all ages to embrace their potential and defy societal expectations.

Jane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70sJane Seymour's Unexpected Dating Advice for Finding Love in Your 70s