Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Country music star Jason Aldean expresses his love for America, acknowledging its challenges but emphasizing its fundamental freedoms and opportunities.

In the lead-up to Independence Day, country music icon Jason Aldean shared his heartfelt sentiments about being an American citizen. During an interview with Fox News Digital, Aldean conveyed his deep pride in his country despite the occasional difficulties it faces.

"Being American to me just means freedom," Aldean stated. "We live in the best country in the world. There's a reason that everybody else wants to be here and wants to come here. It's because they don't have what we have."

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Despite recognizing that America has faced its share of challenges, Aldean remains adamant about its greatness. "I'm still very proud of that and proud of our country, even though sometimes it gets a little sideways and a little hard to recognize sometimes," he said.

Aldean emphasized that the fundamental values of the United States remain strong, particularly the potential for individuals to succeed through hard work and determination. "I think we live in the best country in the world," he said. "We get the chance to go and still have the American dream. You can come from nothing and build something and make something out of your life, out of yourself, and change your life, your family's life."

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

As a tribute to American patriotism, Aldean performed Toby Keith's iconic song "Should've Been a Cowboy" at the Academy of Country Music Awards. Keith's unwavering support for country values had a profound impact on Aldean, who recalled the legendary country singer's advice to "never apologize for being patriotic."

"Just being not afraid to speak your mind, stand up for what you believe in," Keith had told Aldean. "Whether other people agree with it or not, be who you are and be unapologetic about it."

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Aldean's stance on patriotism has drawn both praise and criticism, particularly following the release of his controversial music video for the song "Try That in a Small Town." The video's portrayal of violence and pro-gun lyrics sparked a backlash, leading to its removal from Country Music Television's rotation.

Undeterred, Aldean defended his song, emphasizing its message of protecting American values. "I've seen a lot of stuff suggesting I'm this, suggesting I'm that," he said in a clip shared on social media. "I feel everybody's entitled to their opinion. You can think something all you want to, it doesn't mean it's true."

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

In an interview with Fox News Digital, Aldean further explained why "Try That In A Small Town" resonated with so many of his fans. "I just think there's a lot of people out there that just want to go to work and come home, raise their kids, feel comfortable about sending their kids to school and knowing that they're going to come home," he said.

"Or let their kids go to a movie on a weekend and not worry about something crazy happening to them in the parking lot or inside a movie theater."

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Aldean believes that many Americans are tired of "living in the Wild West," where chaos and division prevail. "There's just constant chaos and something going on. Somebody is always pissed off about something, and it's just one of those songs where there's a lot of people that could relate to that because they're just sick of it."

Despite these challenges, Jason Aldean remains optimistic about the future of America. "I love my country. I love my family. And I will do anything to protect that," he said. "We're kind of living in the Wild West right now, and I think people are just kind of tired of it."

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks

Aldean's heartfelt sentiments about being an American serve as a reminder of the enduring values and opportunities that the United States offers, even in the face of adversity.

Jason Aldean: Proud American Despite SetbacksJason Aldean: Proud American Despite SetbacksJason Aldean: Proud American Despite Setbacks