JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

Republican vice presidential candidate JD Vance has accused Democrats of orchestrating a "coup" against President Joe Biden and urged his cabinet to invoke the 25th Amendment to remove him from office. Vance, who is running alongside Donald Trump, made these remarks during a campaign rally in his hometown of Middletown, Ohio.

JD Vance, the Republican vice presidential candidate, has ignited a political firestorm by asserting that Democrats are orchestrating a "coup" against President Joe Biden. Vance has urged Biden's cabinet to enact the 25th Amendment and remove him from office.

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

Vance's remarks came during a campaign rally in Middletown, Ohio, just one day after Biden announced his withdrawal from the race for a second term. Vance began his address by linking Vice President Kamala Harris to Biden's perceived failures as president.

"You know, I was hanging out with my kids yesterday. We were actually at the swimming pool, and somebody brought over their phone and showed me the news that Joe Biden had announced he was dropping out of this race," Vance recounted. "And look, I don't like Joe Biden and I don't like his policies. And I'm not a Democrat primary voter. I never have been, and I never will be unless this goes really wrong, ladies and gentlemen."

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

Vance went on to express disbelief that Biden had decided not to seek re-election. "I imagine most of you did not vote for Joe Biden. If you did, welcome aboard. We're glad to have you," Vance said.

Vance then shifted his focus to the broader political landscape, arguing that the Democratic Party's potential selection of a new nominee through means other than a primary election would constitute a threat to democracy.

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

"The idea of selecting the Democrat Party's nominee because George Soros and Barack Obama and a couple of elite Democrats got in a smoke-filled room and decided to throw Joe Biden overboard. That is not how it works. That is a threat to democracy, not the Republican Party, which is fighting for democracy every single day," Vance said.

Vance emphasized his belief in the fundamental goodness of most Americans, regardless of their political affiliations. He extended an invitation to Democrats who were disillusioned by the perceived undemocratic nature of the nomination process to join the Republican Party.

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

JD Vance Declares Democratic Coup Against Biden, Calls for 25th Amendment

"So my message to Democrats who are disgusted by this process because of how anti-democratic it is. You are welcome in the Republican Party, where we think we should persuade voters and not lie to voters. Come on in. The water's warm," Vance said.

Vance acknowledged the importance of Michigan as a battleground state and pledged to work tirelessly for every vote. He reflected on his upbringing in Middletown, Ohio, and emphasized the need to preserve opportunity for future generations.

Vance also shared the moment when Trump called to ask him to be his running mate. He praised Trump's direct communication style and his willingness to speak directly to the American people.

"So I had no idea what was coming. And when the president called me and asked me. He said, 'Would you like to run as my vice presidential running mate?' I said, 'Well, yeah, of course'," Vance shared. "But he did something that was really amazing. Afterwards, he said, 'What do you think about the statement I'm about to put out?' Of course, he put it out on social media. It's one of the things I love about President Trump is that he speaks directly to people. He doesn't allow a bunch of consultants to filter him. He is who he is. And that's why a lot of us love him."

Vance is scheduled to hold another rally in Radford, Virginia, later in the evening.