JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

Trump 2024 senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita defends JD Vance against criticism over his "childless cat ladies" comments, calling them "absolutely absurd" and "blatantly taken out of context."

Trump 2024 senior campaign adviser Chris LaCivita has vehemently denounced the recent backlash directed at vice presidential candidate JD Vance for his past remarks disparaging "childless cat ladies" in the Democratic Party, characterizing the criticism as "absolutely absurd" and "blatantly taken out of context."

During an appearance on Fox News' "The Brian Kilmeade Show," LaCivita unequivocally asserted that the uproar over Vance's comments, made during an interview three years ago, has been exaggerated and unfairly portrayed by the Trump/Vance campaign's opponents.

JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

"The fact of the matter is, it's been blatantly taken out of context," declared LaCivita during the radio segment that aired on Friday.

Referring to the original interview in which Vance made the controversial remarks, LaCivita explained that Vance's words were specifically directed at Vice President Harris and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., rather than women without children in general.

JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

LaCivita pointed out that Vance's criticism was aimed at the particular policies advocated by these Democratic politicians, rather than their personal circumstances. He emphasized that the Trump/Vance campaign fully supports women's rights and rejects any discrimination based on marital status or family structure.

The senior adviser also accused the media of distorting Vance's comments and intentionally misrepresenting his views to damage his reputation. He noted that the Harris campaign and other prominent liberals have accused Vance of devaluing women who do not have children, which LaCivita vehemently denied.

JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

JD Vance’s 'Childless Cat Ladies' Remarks 'Blatantly Taken Out of Context,' Counters Trump Campaign Adviser

"As a matter of fact, there was a discussion today, where the follow-up – the Democrat follow-up attack is that JD Vance believes that only people with children should get certain tax breaks," said LaCivita. "Well, that's called the childcare tax credit."

LaCivita also criticized the Democratic Party's strategy of attacking Vance's personal life and family situation, calling it a desperate attempt to distract from the real issues facing the country.

"Look, we expect this kind of thing," said LaCivita. "You know, they drag out their has-been actresses of Jennifer Aniston to come out and make these attacks."

"We're about fighting for the working women of the United States, the forgotten people of the middle class. JD Vance is the perfect representation of that. They know it. It scares the hell out of them… They're going to peddle in fiction and we're going to have to deal with it as we go forward."

In response to a question from Kilmeade about whether the Trump campaign is "against childless women," LaCivita responded unequivocally, "No, that's absurd. It's absolutely absurd."

The controversy over Vance's remarks has intensified in recent days, with the Harris campaign and other Democrats seizing on them to portray the Republican candidate as anti-women. However, the Trump/Vance campaign has vigorously defended Vance, arguing that his comments have been taken out of context and that he fully supports women's rights and equality.