Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

Jeff Daniels nearly abandoned his acting career a decade ago, but thanks to the encouragement of his friend Jim Carrey, he persevered. Now, he's starring in Netflix's "A Man in Full," relishing the challenge of portraying a complex character.

Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

A decade ago, Jeff Daniels stood at the cusp of abandoning his acting career. Having just wrapped up the sequel to "Dumb and Dumber" with Jim Carrey, Daniels felt a wave of disillusionment wash over him. "I'm done," he confided in Carrey.

However, Carrey's unwavering belief in Daniels' talent ignited a spark within him. "You're creative, you've got to keep creating," Carrey urged him. Daniels heeded his friend's advice, continuing to pursue roles in projects such as "Allegiant" and "The Martian."

Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

A pivotal moment in Daniels' career came in 2018 when he took on the iconic role of Atticus Finch in a Broadway production of "To Kill a Mockingbird." The experience served as a profound affirmation of his abilities.

"That quest to be the biggest star in the history of stars… That's gone," Daniels realized. "After Atticus Finch, I can't top that experience."

Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

Two years later, Daniels reached another milestone when he signed on for the TV series "American Rust." It was a moment of self-reflection and empowerment.

"It had taken 44 years for me to hear that, but that's when I knew I'd made it," Daniels said of being asked about his career aspirations.

Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

Despite his success in Hollywood, Daniels finds solace and inspiration in music, which has been a constant companion throughout his career. "It keeps me going," he declared. "It's what I'm supposed to do."

Daniels has penned over 450 original songs, many of which remain private. Performing at the Purple Rose Theatre Company in his Michigan hometown, he indulges in his musical passion.

Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

Daniels' mistrust of fame stems from an experience after filming "Terms of Endearment." The overwhelming attention and recognition proved intoxicating at first, but Daniels quickly realized its superficial nature and sought refuge in Michigan.

In 1986, Daniels returned home with his family, establishing the Purple Rose Theatre Company in Chelsea. "Kathleen's permanent," he said of his wife, "The family's permanent. Careers are job to job, you're hot, you're not."

Jeff Daniels' Hollywood Journey: From Almost Quitting to 'A Man in Full'

Daniels has never been nominated for an Oscar despite his critically acclaimed performances. However, he embraces this fact as a testament to his unwavering pursuit of authenticity.

"The Oscars come. Not nominated. Everybody else in the thing is nominated. Everybody else," Daniels recounted. "But it was OK because [at 28] it would have been a lot. And I remember watching it in New York … it was OK. So I'd get back to work and earn it."

Jeff Daniels' journey in Hollywood has been marked by moments of doubt, perseverance, and unwavering dedication. From his near-departure to his triumphant return, he stands as a testament to the enduring power of following one's passion and creating a life beyond the confines of fame.