Jeffries Urges Democrats to 'Run Through the Finish Line' at Convention

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries emphasizes the importance of sustained effort for Democrats as the party prepares to conclude its national convention.

As the Democratic National Convention draws to a close, House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries has implored fellow Democrats to maintain their momentum and "run through the finish line" in the upcoming general election.

Addressing reporters on Wednesday, Jeffries highlighted the significance of continued engagement and enthusiasm among the party's base. "We're not just here to have a good time," he stated. "We're here to make sure we deliver for the American people."

Jeffries Urges Democrats to 'Run Through the Finish Line' at Convention

Jeffries Urges Democrats to 'Run Through the Finish Line' at Convention

Recognizing the challenges ahead, Jeffries underscored the need for Democrats to remain steadfast in their pursuit of a better future. "We're going to face headwinds," he acknowledged. "We're going to face disinformation. We're going to face suppression. But we're not going to let that stop us."

Jeffries emphasized the crucial role that grassroots organizers and volunteers will play in mobilizing voters and ensuring Democratic victories in November. "Every vote, every voice, matters," he said. "We need all hands on deck."

The House Minority Leader also addressed the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and the economic challenges it has created. He condemned the Trump administration's handling of the crisis and pledged that Democrats would prioritize recovery efforts.

"We're going to make sure that we get people back to work," Jeffries declared. "We're going to make sure that we expand access to healthcare. We're going to make sure that we address the disparities that have existed for far too long."

Jeffries emphasized the importance of unity within the Democratic Party. "We're all pulling in the same direction," he said. "We have a common goal, and that's to build a brighter future for all Americans."

He praised former Vice President Joe Biden and California Senator Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominees for president and vice president, as leaders who embody the values and principles of the party.

"They're going to fight for every single American," Jeffries said. "They're going to leave no one behind."

As the convention concluded, Jeffries expressed his confidence in the Democratic Party's ability to overcome adversity and secure victory in November. "We're going to run through the finish line with everything we've got," he asserted. "And we're going to win."