Jen Psaki Advises President Biden to Opt for 'The View' Interview over Press Conference

Former White House press secretary believes interviews on popular talk shows would better connect Biden with American public, citing broader reach and more meaningful conversations.

Jen Psaki Advises President Biden to Opt for 'The View' Interview over Press Conference

Former White House press secretary Jen Psaki made an appearance on ABC's "The View" on Monday and suggested that President Biden consider doing an interview with the co-hosts instead of a formal press conference. She argued that such an interview would provide an effective platform for the president to reach the American people.

Co-host Alyssa Farah Griffin posed the question to Psaki, who served as Biden's former White House press secretary, asking if the president should make himself more accessible to the press. In response, Psaki stated that while she values freedom of speech and press, the primary goal of communication from the White House is to connect with the American public. She expressed her belief that an interview on "The View" would be more effective in achieving that goal than a press conference.

Jen Psaki Advises President Biden to Opt for 'The View' Interview over Press Conference

Psaki emphasized the desire for "real conversations about issues" and commended the president's recent podcast and radio appearances. She cited examples such as his appearance on Howard Stern's show and his participation in a podcast hosted by actors Jason Bateman, Will Arnett, and Sean Hayes, claiming that these interviews reached a broader audience than press conferences.

"If you're in the White House, you're not thinking about 'am I checking the box on doing the most interviews,'" Psaki said, reiterating the White House's focus on effectively conveying Biden's message to the public.

Jen Psaki Advises President Biden to Opt for 'The View' Interview over Press Conference

Co-host Sara Haines concurred with Psaki's assessment, expressing that the interviews Biden has done have provided more substance than the potential "gotcha moments" that often occur in press conferences.

Psaki's suggestion reflects a shift in the White House's approach to communication strategy. The emphasis on interviews and appearances on popular talk shows aligns with the goal of connecting with the public in a more direct and engaging manner.

Jen Psaki Advises President Biden to Opt for 'The View' Interview over Press Conference

"It's hard to communicate even today when you do accomplish some improbable things," Biden said in an interview with Stern, acknowledging the challenges of effectively communicating in the current media landscape.

Ultimately, Psaki's advice suggests that the Biden administration is seeking to employ alternative platforms to foster a stronger connection with the American people.