Je'Rod Cherry on Tom Brady Roast: Respect Trumps Zingers for Ex-Patriots Star

Former Patriots defensive back Je'Rod Cherry shares his take on Julian Edelman's jokes about Bill Belichick at the Tom Brady roast, expressing his reservations about making similar remarks due to his deep respect for his former coach.

Je'Rod Cherry on Tom Brady Roast: Respect Trumps Zingers for Ex-Patriots Star

Former New England Patriots defensive back Je'Rod Cherry, a three-time Super Bowl champion under Bill Belichick and teammate of Tom Brady, recently shared his perspective on the Tom Brady roast on Netflix. While acknowledging the humor in some of the jokes, Cherry revealed that he would have struggled to make similar remarks about his former coach due to his deep-seated respect.

"I still have too much respect for [Belichick] from that coach-player dynamic to even go there and say the things that Julian said about him," Cherry explained during an appearance on OutKick's "Don't @ Me with Dan Dakich." "I couldn't do it because it's just too much respect, and maybe that's because [of] old-school mentality, I'm not sure."

Je'Rod Cherry on Tom Brady Roast: Respect Trumps Zingers for Ex-Patriots Star

Cherry believes that Belichick is not the type of person to hold grudges, even if he might have been the subject of some playful ribbing. "And I will say this: He's not the type of person [to say], 'Well, I'm going to sign up for something and then hold it against you," Cherry said. "So, no, I don't think he'll hold it against him."

Cherry's sentiments stem from his own experiences playing under Belichick. "Believe me, there are plenty of times I would want to say something smart to Bill, but I'd keep my mouth shut," he said.

Je'Rod Cherry on Tom Brady Roast: Respect Trumps Zingers for Ex-Patriots Star

Cherry played in the NFL from 1996 to 2004, including four seasons with the Patriots. He was a second-round pick of the New Orleans Saints and also played one season for the Philadelphia Eagles.

Cherry's respect for Belichick extends beyond the football field. "He's the type of guy that would help you out," Cherry said. "He would help you out if you needed something. But he's also the type of guy that if you stepped out of line, he wouldn't hesitate to let you know about it."

Cherry's comments underscore the complex and often unspoken bond between players and coaches in professional sports. While players may occasionally feel the need to vent their frustrations, the underlying respect for authority and the shared goal of success often outweighs any desire for public criticism.

Cherry's stance also reflects a generational difference in how players interact with their coaches. In the era when Cherry played, coaches held more absolute authority, and players were expected to follow their instructions without question. Today, players have more of a voice and are more willing to express their opinions, but Cherry believes that a certain level of respect is still essential for a team to function effectively.

Ultimately, Cherry's perspective is a reminder that respect is a two-way street. Coaches need to earn the respect of their players, and players need to respect the authority of their coaches. When both sides adhere to this principle, it creates a foundation for a successful and productive relationship.