Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Anti-Israel protesters disrupted Jerry Seinfeld's keynote address at Duke University's commencement ceremony, but their attempt to derail the event backfired, inspiring the crowd to chant "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" and applaud even louder.

Jerry Seinfeld's keynote speech at Duke University's commencement ceremony was briefly interrupted by a small group of anti-Israel protesters, but the incident had no impact on the ceremony and instead inspired the crowd to rally behind the comedian.

"A small group (about 30-40) of protestors tried to interrupt Jerry's commencement speech at @dukeuniversity today," Seinfeld's wife, Jessica, wrote on Instagram. "Despite their efforts, it had no impact on the ceremony. In fact, they were boo'd and it inspired the crowd of 7,000 to chant 'Jer-ry! Jer-ry! Jer-ry!' and applaud even louder. Jerry's speech was amazing and received a standing ovation from grads and their parents."

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

The protesters' attempt to derail the event backfired, as the crowd of 7,000 booed them and erupted in chants of "Jerry! Jerry! Jerry!" in support of Seinfeld.

The incident highlights the ongoing tensions over the conflict in the Middle East and the challenges faced by speakers on college campuses who express views that are critical of Israel.

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Seinfeld has been a vocal critic of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) movement, which aims to pressure Israel to end its occupation of the Palestinian territories. In a 2015 interview with The New York Times, Seinfeld said that he believes BDS is "anti-Semitic."

"I don't think it's fair to single out Israel," Seinfeld said. "I think it's a very unfair and anti-Semitic thing to do."

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Seinfeld's views on Israel have drawn criticism from some, but he has remained steadfast in his support for the Jewish state.

"I'm a big believer in Israel," Seinfeld said in the Times interview. "I think it's a great country. I think it's a beacon of hope in the Middle East. I think it's a democracy. I think it's a place where people can live in peace and harmony."

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

The protesters' attempt to disrupt Seinfeld's speech was met with widespread condemnation, both from the Jewish community and from those who support free speech.

"The attempt to silence Jerry Seinfeld at Duke University is a shameful attack on free speech," said Jonathan Greenblatt, CEO of the Anti-Defamation League. "Seinfeld has a right to express his views on Israel, and those who disagree with him should do so respectfully and without resorting to intimidation or disruption."

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

The protesters' actions also drew criticism from Duke University President Vincent Price, who said in a statement that "we will not tolerate any form of intimidation or disruption of our speakers."

"Duke University is committed to free speech and academic freedom," Price said. "We believe that all members of our community have the right to express their views peacefully and respectfully, even if those views are unpopular or controversial."

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

Jerry Seinfeld's Duke Speech Interrupted by Anti-Israel Protests

The incident at Duke University is a reminder of the challenges faced by speakers on college campuses who express views that are critical of Israel. However, it also demonstrates that those who support free speech will not be silenced by those who seek to intimidate or disrupt.