Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

Amidst escalating antisemitism, Jewish communities are taking self-defense precautions, including using non-lethal weapons like the Byrna launcher and participating in security training programs.

As antisemitism surges across the United States, Jewish Americans are taking proactive steps to protect themselves and their communities. In the wake of the October 2022 Hamas terrorist attacks, combined with rising levels of antisemitism, the Community Security Service (CSS) has seen a "massive increase in demand" for its services.

Richard Priem, CEO of CSS, emphasizes the importance of Jewish communities taking ownership of their security. "We want to be able to continue living as Jewish Americans who participate in all aspects of American life, but also Jewish life, free from fear," he says.

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

One non-lethal weapon gaining popularity among Jewish Americans is the Byrna launcher. Luan Pham, chief revenue and marketing officer at Byrna Technologies, explains that the Byrna launcher fires a kinetic round that can break side auto glass from 30 feet away. Upon impact, the round disperses a chemical irritant that affects the aggressor's central nervous system, causing a burning sensation for 30-40 minutes without causing fatal injuries.

"The Byrna launcher does not require a background check or permit to own," Pham says. "It's easy to use, has zero recoil, and doesn't require ear protection." Over the last five years, Byrna Technologies has sold more than 500,000 units. After the October 7 attacks, Pham witnessed a surge in purchases from Jewish community members.

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

In jurisdictions with stricter gun control laws, the Byrna launcher has become a viable option for self-defense. Unlike firearms, the Byrna launcher can be used in sanctified spaces like churches and temples. "We have trained dozens and dozens of churches on how to protect themselves," Pham says. "And after that first call following October 7, from a temple, the word got out, and they all got together as a community and made a huge six-figure order."

Pham emphasizes the company's mission to reduce deaths by firearm and the potential of the Byrna launcher to save lives if gun owners used it first in dangerous situations.

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

According to the New York City Police Department's hate crimes dashboard, 200 of the 329 confirmed hate crimes recorded from the start of the year until June 25 have targeted Jewish victims. Hate crimes against Jewish New Yorkers have risen 89% from 2018 to 2023.

In response to these alarming statistics, Priem urges law enforcement to enforce existing laws preventing masking in public and loud noises in residential areas to combat harassment targeting Jews. CSS has also launched a program to train Jewish students on situational awareness, self-defense, and de-escalation to enhance their safety on college campuses.

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

Jewish Americans Seek Self-Defense Amidst Rising Antisemitism

"Every year we take additional precautions before high holidays," Priem says. "It's not to create some sort of posture of fighting back. But we want to give those students some confidence, some resilience, that if they do want to speak out, if they do want to get involved with campus activism or anything that they want to do, that they… feel more confident and have more skills to handle this hostile environment that, sadly has been tolerated on our campuses for way too long."