Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Three Jewish college students from Columbia University and Barnard College voiced their concerns on "Fox & Friends" about the rampant anti-Israel protests that have plagued their campuses, leading to an atmosphere of fear and intimidation for Jewish students.

Jewish students at Columbia University and Barnard College have expressed their distress and shock at the escalating anti-Israel protests that have engulfed their campuses over the past year. Appearing on "Fox & Friends," Shoshana Aufzien, Eliana Birman, and Aryeh Krischer shared their experiences of being targeted and harassed due to their Jewish and Zionist identities.

Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Birman, a freshman at Barnard College, conveyed her disappointment with the administration's inaction in protecting Jewish students. "I don't feel safe on campus... I notice fliers being handed out to visibly Jewish students - basically, fliers telling them that they're complicit in genocide," she stated.

Aufzien, also a freshman at Barnard College, echoed Birman's concerns, accusing the university of "all talk, no action." She pointed to a report released by Columbia's antisemitism task force, which documented numerous antisemitic incidents on campus, but questioned whether the administration had taken meaningful steps to address the issue.

Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Krischer, a PhD student at Columbia University, admitted contemplating transferring to another school due to the harassment he had witnessed. "When you have antisemitism lurking in the shadows and you deny it instead of addressing it, that sends a pretty clear message about everything else that you're doing," he said.

The students expressed their commitment to attending their dream schools despite the adversity they faced. Birman asserted, "I honestly don't find it fair for these students to take away the education that I've dreamed of my entire life... simply because I'm Jewish."

Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Jewish Students at Columbia and Barnard Share Experiences of Targeted Harassment Amidst Anti-Israel Protests

Aufzien added, "I'm able to pursue a couple of my diverse interests simultaneously. But believe me when I say that I was disheartened and appalled to see the events that transpired last year."

Despite their concerns, the students emphasized their resilience and determination to remain on campus. Krischer explained that he had been able to avoid confrontations with protesters by working in a secluded area of the campus. However, he acknowledged that not all students had this privilege.

The students' experiences highlight the growing trend of anti-Israel and antisemitic sentiment on college campuses. They also raise important questions about the responsibility of universities to protect their students from harassment and discrimination based on their religious or political beliefs.