Jewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus Antisemitism

American Jewish students experiencing antisemitism on their campuses visit Israel to learn firsthand about Hamas's terror attack and brainstorm ways to address anti-Jewish and anti-Israel activities at their universities.

Jewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus Antisemitism

Amidst escalating antisemitism on American college campuses, a group of Jewish students has embarked on a trip to Israel to enhance their understanding of the region and develop strategies to combat the growing threat.

These students, hailing from universities such as Columbia, UPenn, Brandeis, Berkeley, Rutgers, New York, Western Ontario, and Texas, are participating in the "Take Action for Israel" trip. During their weeklong stay, they will meet with top Israeli officials, hear testimonies from survivors of the October 7 Hamas terror attack, visit the communities around the Gaza Strip, and engage with relatives of those still held hostage by Hamas.

Jewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus Antisemitism

Omer Nativ, a Rutgers University student, expressed the significance of witnessing the aftermath of the October 7 attack firsthand. "It's one thing to hear about it, but it's completely different to see it in person and get a new perspective," Nativ said. "I feel like we often become desensitized to the news we hear, and this will be a good wake-up call."

At Rutgers, Nativ recounted students facing death threats and anti-Israel demonstrators disrupting classes, accusing the university of "funding genocide." Joshua Shain, a Columbia University student, echoed similar experiences of antisemitism on his campus. He described verbal assaults, threats, and hate messages directed at Jewish students.

Jewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus Antisemitism

"We need to come together, as a community of Jews and non-Jews alike, and say to the voices that deny that these atrocities occurred. They happened. I saw the evidence with my own eyes," Shain emphasized.

Jack Landstein, a University of Michigan student, cited an anti-Israel encampment on his campus adorned with a banner stating "long live the Intifada." He faced intimidation and harassment while attempting to give an interview outside the encampment, prompting him to seek skills to counter antisemitism.

Jewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus Antisemitism

"I hope the University of Michigan administration works to foster a safe environment for all students and utilizes its numerous resources to foster dialogue," Landstein said. "In order for this to occur, the learning environment must be rid of antisemitism, and this begins by the university enforcing its policies."

The students hope their visit to Israel will empower them to advocate for Jewish students and combat antisemitism on their campuses. They urge their universities to take proactive measures to protect Jewish students and enforce campus policies against antisemitic speech and behavior.

Jewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus AntisemitismJewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus AntisemitismJewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus AntisemitismJewish Students Visit Israel to Combat Campus Antisemitism