Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Despite criticism of President Biden's debate performance, First Lady Jill Biden has expressed unwavering support, leaving former spouse Bill Stevenson questioning her motives and drawing comparisons between the president and a failed Roman emperor.

First Lady Jill Biden's unwavering support for President Biden following his highly criticized debate performance has sparked controversy, with his former spouse Bill Stevenson expressing bewilderment over her unwavering defense.

During a campaign event in North Carolina, Jill Biden praised her husband's debate performance, commending his ability to answer every question and demonstrate his knowledge of the facts. However, her statement has raised eyebrows, given the widespread criticism of Biden's performance in the debate.

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

In an interview with the New York Post, Stevenson, who was married to Jill Biden from 1970 to 1975, expressed his astonishment at her unwavering support, suggesting that the woman he once knew is a far cry from the one he sees today.

Stevenson questioned the wisdom of Jill Biden's defense of her husband, given his apparent struggles in recent months and the calls for him to drop out of the race. He expressed concern that her support may be doing more harm than good.

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Stevenson, a staunch supporter of former President Trump, further accused Biden of habitual lying, claiming he is "no better liar than President Biden". He highlighted his personal knowledge of Biden over the past 50 years to support his assertions.

The New York Times editorial board has added to the chorus of criticism, calling for Biden to withdraw from the race due to his declining physical and mental health. They argued that his performance in the debate exposed his diminished capacity.

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Biden's appearance in the debate raised concerns about his frailty and ability to handle the rigors of the presidency. His stumbling and difficulty in articulating his thoughts have fueled doubts about his fitness for office.

Stevenson suggested that Jill Biden may have her own presidential aspirations, arguing that she has always been "very driven". He expressed surprise at her prominent role in the midst of her husband's political struggles.

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Jill Biden Stirs Controversy with Husband's Debate Performance Defense

Despite repeated requests for comment, the first lady's office has remained silent on the matter. Her unwavering support for her husband continues to draw scrutiny and raise questions about her motivations.

The controversy surrounding Jill Biden's defense of her husband highlights the challenges facing the Biden administration following the disappointing debate performance. His declining health and apparent cognitive difficulties have raised doubts about his ability to lead the nation effectively.

As the election campaign enters its final stages, the controversy surrounding Jill Biden's support for her husband's debate performance is likely to continue fueling debate about the future of the presidency and the fitness of those seeking to lead the nation.