Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

Michael LaRosa, former Press Secretary to First Lady Jill Biden, gives insight into the Bidens' decision-making process amidst calls for President Biden to step down.

Amidst mounting pressure on President Joe Biden to withdraw from the race, his former press secretary, Michael LaRosa, has revealed that the decision to stay or leave the race rests solely with the president himself. LaRosa emphasized that First Lady Jill Biden will not be the driving force behind her husband's decision.

"This is his decision," LaRosa asserted on "Jesse Watters Primetime" when asked about speculation that Jill Biden was influencing the president's decision-making.

Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

Despite escalating calls from within the Democratic party and beyond for the president to reconsider his candidacy, the Bidens have remained resolute in their determination to continue fighting. LaRosa dismissed the notion that Jill Biden would have the final say in her husband's political future.

"Jill alone won't make this decision," LaRosa said. "I don't know if Democrats really want her to be making the decision for the party."

Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

He went on to state that Jill Biden "would not want that decision" and that she does not find herself comfortable with it.

LaRosa explained that President Biden is unlikely to leave the race willingly, citing the need for a "pretty compelling case" to persuade him to suspend his campaign.

Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

Jill Biden's Former Spox: President Biden Will Likely Stay in Race Despite Pressure

"She hates politics but she loves him," LaRosa said of the relationship between Joe and Jill Biden.

As the president's resistance to leaving the race persists, several media outlets, including The Washington Post, have initiated pressure campaigns on the Biden family in an effort to sway their decision.

Letters published in The Post have conveyed pleas to Jill Biden from readers in Pennsylvania, New York, Washington, and other states, urging her to persuade her husband to withdraw from the presidential race.

One reader, Richard Young from Lexington, New York, drew attention to the CBS poll indicating that 72% of registered voters believe President Biden is no longer mentally fit to serve as president.

Despite the escalating pressure, the Biden campaign has not yet responded to Fox News Digital's request for comment.

LaRosa's insights into the Bidens' decision-making process underscore the complex interplay between personal and political considerations within the presidency. As the 2020 election draws closer, the focus on the Biden family and their decision-making will undoubtedly intensify, shaping the trajectory of the race.