Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California: "It's a Mess

Fitness guru Jillian Michaels has openly criticized her decision to leave California, citing the state's deteriorating condition and its progressive policies that have forced her hand. Michaels' blunt comments highlight the crescente exodus from the Golden State as its once-treasured qualities diminish.

In an exclusive interview with Fox News Digital, Michaels passionately expressed her disappointment and anger over California's decline. As a lifelong resident who once cherished her home state, she now finds herself forced to leave due to its mounting problems.

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California:

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California: "It's a Mess

"I know a f---ed up situation when I see one. And it's a mess," Michaels stated.

Her decision to leave was not made lightly. Michaels resisted her business partner's urgings to move a decade earlier, despite the state's high taxes. However, the escalation of progressive policies in recent years has left her no choice.

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California:

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California: "It's a Mess

"If you think I'm far right because I want cop killers in jail, if you think that I'm far right because I don't want a 24-year-old male touching my 14-year-old son... If you think that I'm far right because I want PG&E [Pacific Gas & Electric Company] held accountable for the fire that burned down my home, I guess I'm far right! You got me!" Michaels exclaimed.

Michaels cited California's ongoing drought, which she believes is exacerbated by the influence of corporate overlords who run the almond farms that consume the state's water supply. She also decried the state's homeless crisis, which she described as a "disaster."

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California:

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California: "It's a Mess

"The people are not getting the help they need! It's a disaster!" Michaels said. "What happened to helping the most vulnerable in the community? ‘Oh, leave on the street, go with God… All these horrible things will happen to you and you have no care.' And generally they're addicts and need care, or they have mental illness and they need care. It's just a mess."

Michaels' departure from California reflects a growing trend of people leaving the state in search of better opportunities and a higher quality of life. The exodus is driven by factors such as high taxes, rising crime rates, and a declining economic climate.

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California:

Jillian Michaels' Blunt Exodus from California: "It's a Mess

Michaels' decision to speak out about her reasons for leaving California has resonated with many who share her frustration with the state's current direction. Her willingness to openly criticize California's progressive policies has sparked debate and highlighted the challenges facing the Golden State.

As Michaels settles into her new home in Miami, she will continue to voice her concerns about California's problems. Her blunt assessment of the state's decline serves as a stark warning to policymakers and residents alike about the consequences of unchecked progressive policies.