Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

Former NFL quarterback Jim Everett expresses his willingness to move past the infamous altercation with Jim Rome and explores the possibility of future collaborations.

Former NFL quarterback Jim Everett has expressed his desire to resolve the long-standing feud with former ESPN host Jim Rome, nearly three decades after their infamous altercation. In an appearance on OutKick's "The Ricky Cobb Show," Everett discussed the incident and revealed that Rome had acknowledged the situation as "a mistake" approximately 10 years ago.

Everett emphasized that Rome never explicitly apologized for his mocking comments, which stemmed from Everett's alleged reluctance to take hits during games. Despite the lack of a formal apology, Everett expressed his understanding of Rome's perspective, acknowledging that his team's struggles at the time made him an easy target.

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

"I get it," Everett said. "And I get where he was coming from because our team wasn't winning at the time, and you blame the quarterback, and you blame me, and I could have played better at times, too."

Everett went on to suggest the possibility of a future collaboration with Rome, even envisioning a scenario involving tennis legend Chris Evert. He believes that putting the past behind them could lead to mutually beneficial opportunities.

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

"I would be way open to doing something with him and Chris Evert. I think it would be a wonderful thing to let bygones be bygones, for sure," Everett stated.

Rome, when contacted for comment by Fox News Digital/OutKick, did not respond.

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

The incident between Everett and Rome occurred in 1994, when Rome repeatedly referred to Everett as "Chris" in a mocking manner. Everett responded by shoving Rome to the ground and overturning a table. While the incident garnered significant attention, it did not result in any legal action or injuries.

Everett's recent comments suggest a willingness to move past the altercation and explore new opportunities. Despite Rome's lack of response, Everett's openness to reconciliation demonstrates his desire to put the past behind them.

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

Jim Everett Ready to End Feud with Jim Rome, Open to Collaboration

It remains to be seen whether Everett and Rome will ultimately collaborate on any projects. However, Everett's willingness to engage in dialogue is a positive step towards resolving a longstanding feud that has been a part of NFL and sports media lore for decades.