Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Following the horrific murder of 12-year-old Jocelyn Nungaray, Texas officials and crime victims' advocates are calling for stricter bail laws. The two illegal immigrants charged with Jocelyn's murder are being held on $10 million bonds, which has sparked outrage among the community.

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Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Texas Lieutenant Governor Dan Patrick announced his intention to introduce "Jocelyn's Law," a bill that would deny bail to certain murder suspects. Patrick stated that he had spoken with Jocelyn's mother, Alexis Nungaray, and pledged to ensure that Jocelyn's name would never be forgotten while ensuring that capital murderers would not be eligible for bail.

Senator Joan Huffman, also a Republican, expressed support for Jocelyn's Law and vowed to file it on the first day of the next legislative session. Huffman credited Jocelyn's murder with reigniting efforts to pass this constitutional amendment.

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Rania Mankarious, CEO of Crime Stoppers of Houston, welcomed the move towards stricter bail reform. She stated that Jocelyn's murder was a catalyst for the amendment's passage and expressed hope for its success.

Mankarious highlighted the lack of background information on the accused individuals, making it difficult for judges to assess risks and determine appropriate bail amounts. She emphasized the need for additional tools to protect public safety, given the surge in criminal activity witnessed in major cities across the country.

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

In addition to denying bail to murder suspects, Jocelyn's Law would enhance Lauren's Law. Lauren's Law, named after 13-year-old Lauren Landavazo who was murdered in 2016, makes the killing of a child under 15 a death penalty-eligible offense. Jocelyn's Law would extend this eligibility to children under 18.

Crime victims' advocates in Texas have long advocated for tougher bail legislation in cases involving egregious crimes. In Harris County, many criminal offenders have been released on low or no bond, leading to repeat offenses and violent incidents.

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Mankarious criticized the trend towards granting bail based on the notion that everyone deserves it, regardless of the seriousness of their offenses. She expressed concern about the difficulties faced by law enforcement and victims' advocates in this system.

While the Texas Senate favors stricter bail laws, some state Democrats and Texas State House Speaker Dade Phelan have opposed past bail reform bills. Critics argue that these laws could lead to judges abusing their authority and unfairly denying bail to criminal defendants.

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Jocelyn's Law: Texas Officials and Crime Victims' Advocates Demand Stricter Bail Reform

Mankarious dismissed this notion, asserting that there are many egregious cases where denying bail is necessary to protect public safety. She cited the recent surge in criminal activity as evidence of the need for harsher measures.

The killing of Jocelyn Nungaray has once again brought the issue of bail reform to the forefront in Texas. Jocelyn's Law, if passed, would represent a significant step towards ensuring that capital murder suspects are not eligible for bail and that the families of victims are better protected. Crime victims' advocates remain hopeful that the state legislature will address this urgent need and deliver a just outcome for Jocelyn and other victims like her.