Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

In his new book, "Progressively Worse," Joe Concha argues that the Democratic Party has shifted away from its roots as the champion of the working class and is now beholden to the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

Imagine a political world where a Democratic president cuts taxes in the middle of a recession while beefing up the military. Imagine having a pro-life Democratic president in the Oval Office. Imagine a Democratic Speaker of the House meeting with a Republican president for an after-hours drink to hash out policy differences in the name of compromise.

These leaders actually existed in this country. It was John F. Kennedy who cut taxes in 1961 after inheriting a recession. It was Jimmy Carter who was a pro-lifer. It was House Speaker Tip O'Neil who put aside his ideological differences to meet President Reagan over a cocktail to help advance the country forward.

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

And it was President Bill Clinton who went hard to the center heading into the 1996 election by working with Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich to pass common sense proposals into law.

These examples demonstrate the Democratic Party's historical commitment to the working class and its willingness to compromise and work with the opposition to achieve its goals. However, Joe Concha argues in his new book, "Progressively Worse," that the party has abandoned these principles and is now beholden to the interests of the wealthy and powerful.

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Concha cites several examples to support his argument. He notes that the 40 richest congressional districts in the country are represented by Democrats. He also points to the party's support for policies that disproportionately benefit the wealthy, such as tax cuts for corporations and the 1%.

Concha also argues that the Democratic Party has become increasingly anti-woman. He points to the party's support for biological males competing against biological women in sports and its opposition to school choice, which disproportionately disadvantages women of color.

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Finally, Concha argues that the Democratic Party has become the party of war. He notes the party's support for pouring trillions of dollars into Ukraine and its opposition to President Trump's efforts to withdraw troops from Afghanistan and Iraq.

Concha's book is a timely and important reminder of the Democratic Party's history of fighting for the working class and its current abandonment of those principles. It is a must-read for anyone who wants to understand the state of American politics today.

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

One of the most striking examples of the Democratic Party's abandonment of the working class is its embrace of Kamala Harris as its presumptive nominee for president in 2024. Harris's positions are far out of step with the views of most voters in key swing states.

For example, Harris supports a ban on all fracking, which would devastate the economy of Pennsylvania. She also supports a government-mandated electric vehicle push and the end of the sale of gas-powered cars, which would cost Michigan autoworkers their jobs.

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Harris has also expressed support for limiting the consumption of red meat, which would cripple the poultry industry in Wisconsin. And she wants to abolish ICE and end the Remain in Mexico policy, which would be a disaster for Arizona and New Mexico, states that are overrun by illegal immigration.

On a national level, Harris supports banning all offshore drilling, which would harm the economy of Alaska and other coastal states. She also supports running roughshod over the Supreme Court and Congress to help the 13% of Americans with student loan debt with taxpayer money.

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Joe Concha: Democrats Have Abandoned the Working Class to Cater to Elites

Harris's positions are simply not in line with the views of most voters. If the Democratic Party wants to be competitive in the 2024 election, it needs to find a candidate who is more in touch with the concerns of the working class.