John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

Pro wrestler and actor John Cena shares his evolving fitness goals and plans to maintain physical activity throughout his life, even into his late years.

John Cena, the renowned pro wrestler turned actor, has always prioritized fitness throughout his career. Now, at the age of 47, he reveals his aspirations to maintain physical activity well into his twilight years.

In an exclusive interview with People, Cena delves into his fitness journey and its evolution over the decades. As a young boy, he sought to gain muscle to avoid being bullied. In his late teens, strength became his focus to excel in sports. As a young adult, he desired an aesthetically pleasing physique to maintain discipline.

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

However, Cena's fitness goals shifted dramatically when he became a professional wrestler in 1998. Exceling in the ring became his primary objective, shaping his training regimen.

Today, Cena's fitness aspirations have undergone another transformation. "My goal is to be physically active until I can't," he declares. "I put a number in my head of like, I'd like to be physically active into my late 80s or 90s, to do a parallel squat in my late 80s."

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

His training has also evolved. In the past, Cena would work out excessively, but his current routine consists of weight training four days a week, complemented by flexibility and mobility exercises on the remaining days.

Cena attributes his unwavering commitment to fitness to his academic background. He holds a degree in exercise physiology from Springfield College in Massachusetts, where he learned the importance of "spirit, mind and body." Reflecting on his current physical and mental well-being, he asserts, "I'm the best I've been in all 47 of my years on this Earth."

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

While Cena has hinted at his impending retirement from wrestling past the age of 50, he emphasizes that fitness will remain an integral part of his life. "The WWE has been a great chapter in my life, but the sun's setting on that chapter in the book, but fitness will never not be a part of my life," he states.

Cena's passion for fitness has also played a significant role in his transition to acting. He has starred in blockbuster movies such as "Barbie" and the "Fast and Furious" franchise. In an interview with Adam Glyn, Cena shared valuable advice about making the transition from wrestling to Hollywood. "Just be OK with failing," he emphasized. "This quote-on-quote transition has taken, what, 15 years now? From ‘The Marine’ on to now, and a lot of failure in there, you guys have watched."

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond

Cena's unwavering commitment to physical activity and his willingness to embrace change serve as inspiration to anyone seeking to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout their lives. His dedication to fitness, both during his wrestling career and beyond, showcases the enduring power of setting goals and striving to achieve them, no matter one's age.

John Cena's Fitness Journey Continues: Aiming for Physical Activity in His 80s and Beyond