John Leguizamo Slams Latino Voters Supporting Trump, Claims They're Misplacing Blame

Actor and comedian John Leguizamo has expressed outrage over the growing support for former President Trump among Latino voters, accusing them of incorrectly blaming President Biden for the current economic woes.

John Leguizamo implies Latinos backing Trump don’t understand the economy, says it’s ‘doing great

John Leguizamo, the renowned actor known for his roles in "Ice Age" and "Super Mario Bros.," has launched a scathing attack on Latino voters who support former President Donald Trump. In an interview with Salon, Leguizamo argued that Latinos are misplacing their frustrations by holding President Biden responsible for the economy's current state.

Leguizamo asserted that Trump, not Biden, was the primary architect of the economic damage inflicted by the COVID-19 pandemic. He claimed that Latinos are overlooking this fact and are instead blaming the current administration for their economic hardships.

John Leguizamo implies Latinos backing Trump don’t understand the economy, says it’s ‘doing great

"Latinos, they're blaming him [Biden] for the economy, which they shouldn't be because COVID was the culprit and Trump not handling COVID was the culprit in damaging our economy," Leguizamo stated.

This accusation stems from recent polling data from Axios/Ipsos and other organizations, which indicate that a significant majority of Latinos support Trump over Biden on key issues such as the economy. The Axios/Ipsos poll found that only 20% of Latinos believe Biden is "good for the U.S. economy," while 42% expressed the same sentiment about Trump.

John Leguizamo implies Latinos backing Trump don’t understand the economy, says it’s ‘doing great

Despite acknowledging the economic challenges faced by Latino voters, Leguizamo paradoxically claimed that "the economy is doing great." He attributed the current economic difficulties to inflation, which he described as "messing up everybody's paycheck."

Leguizamo further accused the Democratic Party of failing to effectively engage with the Latino voting bloc. He asserted that the party neglected to invest in Latin consultants, grassroots organizations, and Spanish-language media outreach during the 2020 presidential election.

"The Democrats messed up in 2020 and did nothing," Leguizamo said. "Did not spend dollars on us, did not have Latin consultants, did not fund our grassroots organizations, and our grassroots organizations gave us Arizona. They tried to give us Texas and they got close."

Leguizamo's frustration with Trump's growing support among Latinos was also evident in his guest hosting stint on Comedy Central's "The Daily Show." In response to the recent polls, he punched a piñata on air.

Leguizamo has been a vocal critic of Trump for years. In November, he expressed outrage over Univision's decision to host an interview with the former president, describing it as "caca mierda," a crude Spanish term for excrement.

Leguizamo's comments have sparked a heated debate on social media, with some users accusing him of being out of touch with the economic realities faced by many Latino voters. Others have defended his right to express his opinions, while acknowledging the challenges faced by the Latino community.

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, the Latino vote will undoubtedly become a crucial factor. The reasons behind their support for Trump or Biden will continue to be analyzed and debated by political pundits and voters alike.