Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

Josh Seiter, a former contestant on "The Bachelorette," has undergone a significant political and personal transformation in recent years. Once a self-proclaimed "black gay liberal," Seiter has since become a vocal conservative commentator, citing disillusionment with the "woke" ideologies of the left. Seiter has also come out as transgender, but has faced criticism from both the LGBTQ community and the far left for his unconventional views.

Josh Seiter, a former contestant on the popular reality TV show "The Bachelorette," has embarked on a remarkable journey of self-discovery and political evolution that has led him to embrace conservatism and transition to a transgender identity.

Seiter, who initially identified as a "black gay liberal," has become increasingly critical of the "woke" ideologies that have gained prominence within the Democratic Party and the LGBTQ community. He argues that these ideologies have led to a culture of intolerance and censorship that stifles free speech and undermines traditional values.

Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

"Ironically, I've found that the far left and the LGBTQ community have been some of the most vitriolic and mean towards me throughout all of this," Seiter told "The Daily Mail." "I haven't been met with acceptance, tolerance, and open arms like the left loves to preach about."

Seiter's disillusionment with the left began with his experiences as an activist for the Black Lives Matter movement. He grew increasingly dissatisfied with the movement's focus on identity politics and its rejection of personal responsibility. Seiter also became disillusioned with the LGBTQ community's embrace of transgender ideology, which he believes has become divorced from reality and has led to a dangerous erasure of biological sex.

Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

"I struggled with my gender identity—and resulting feelings of guilt and shame—for as long as I can remember," Seiter shared on Instagram in May 2022. "I spent the last three decades taking great pains to keep this side of me private."

Seiter's decision to transition to a female gender identity has been met with skepticism and criticism from some quarters. He has been accused of appropriating trans identity for personal gain and of violating traditional gender norms. Seiter, however, maintains that his transition is a genuine expression of who he is and that he is not trying to deceive anyone.

Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

Josh Seiter, Former Bachelorette Contestant, Transitions to Conservative After 'Woke' Backlash

"I ask for your thoughts and prayers—and patience—as I transition," Seiter wrote on Instagram. "I know it will take time for everyone, including myself, to adjust. I simply ask that you accept me now, just as you did before."

Despite the criticism, Seiter has remained steadfast in his beliefs and has used his platform to speak out against cancel culture, political correctness, and the erosion of traditional values in society. He has become a popular commentator on conservative media outlets such as Fox News and The Blaze, and has amassed a significant following on social media.

Seiter's journey from liberal activist to conservative commentator has been a controversial one, but it has also been a testament to his courage and authenticity. He has refused to be silenced by those who disagree with him, and he has remained true to his own beliefs, even when they have put him at odds with the mainstream.