Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

Co-host of "The View," Joy Behar, and MSNBC host Rachel Maddow have voiced concerns that former President Donald Trump might attempt to take their respective shows off the air if re-elected. This apprehension stems from Trump's history of vindictiveness and his public statements suggesting that he would target individuals and entities that have criticized him.

On Tuesday, June 18, 2024, during "The View," co-host Joy Behar expressed her worries that Donald Trump might attempt to ban their ABC talk show, as well as MSNBC host Rachel Maddow's show, if he is re-elected. Behar questioned Maddow about the severity of this potential threat, citing Trump's past actions and statements.

Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

Maddow responded by stating that she was equally concerned about the ramifications of Trump's election on every American, not just herself or Behar. She emphasized the danger of granting excessive power to an individual who espouses such vindictive intentions and believes in using it to silence critics.

Maddow acknowledged the possibility that Trump might target prominent figures like herself or Behar, but expressed confidence that they would be protected due to their access to resources. However, she raised concerns about Trump's pattern of singling out and intimidating individuals, creating a climate of fear.

Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

In February 2024, Maddow expressed concerns to CNN's Oliver Darcy about the potential establishment of "massive" camps if Trump were re-elected, arguing that these facilities were not exclusively intended for migrants. She stressed that she was equally worried about her own well-being as that of all Americans.

Maddow questioned the assumption that Trump's censorship efforts would be limited to specific individuals he had already singled out. She highlighted the possibility that some politicians might align themselves with Trump in the hope of personal gain, even at the expense of others.

Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

Joy Behar and Rachel Maddow Express Concerns over Potential Censorship by Trump

Behar had previously dared Trump to target "The View" during an episode in November 2023, asserting that their daily broadcast would continue unabated regardless of his actions. She also drew parallels between Trump's potential actions and former President Richard Nixon's "enemies list," suggesting that being targeted could be a badge of honor.

Behar and Maddow's concerns underscore the apprehension felt by many in the media industry about the potential consequences of Trump's re-election. The specter of censorship and retribution hangs heavy in the air, casting doubt on the future of critical journalism and free speech in the United States.