Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

Lara Trump, a RNC Co-Chair and daughter-in-law of former President Trump, blasts Kamala Harris for her extremist policies that she says are harmful to women and families, particularly in terms of costs and safety.

For years, Democrats like Vice President Kamala Harris have exploited their support from women for votes, only to abandon them after elections in favor of their radical agenda that caters solely to their political base's far left.

As a wife, the mother of former President Trump's grandchildren, and an RNC Co-Chair who has interacted extensively with women on the campaign trail, I caution against falling for Harris' empty promises.

Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

I have witnessed firsthand the struggles of working women, from my time as a television producer, personal trainer, bartender, and waitress. I recognize the difficulties they face in making ends meet. However, the policies of Kamala Harris and President Joe Biden have exacerbated these challenges.

Harris' extreme liberalism has led to soaring costs for women's everyday expenses, from diapers to daycare. Since 2019, the cost of disposable diapers has skyrocketed by 32%, leaving nearly half of working families struggling to afford them. Similarly, childcare costs have jumped by 32% for average families, with many spending over 20% of their annual income on this essential service.

Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

Harris' economic policies have failed women and single mothers. They have attacked the Child Tax Credit, a tax break introduced by President Trump to assist parents. Trump doubled the credit from $1,000 to $2,000 per child and expanded eligibility, while also establishing the first-ever paid family leave tax credit for employees earning $72,000 or less.

In contrast, nearly 40 million families benefited from the child tax credit under Trump, while Harris' agenda has left families struggling.

Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

Kamala Harris: A Danger to Women and Families

Beyond economic hardships, Kamala Harris' America has become increasingly unsafe for women. Her open-border policies have facilitated the deaths of innocent women like Laken Riley, a 22-year-old nursing student murdered by an illegal immigrant while jogging at the University of Georgia. Rachel Morin, a Maryland mother of five, was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant from El Salvador.

Jocelyn Nungaray, a 12-year-old girl from Houston, Texas, was strangled to death, and two illegal immigrants from Venezuela were charged with her murder. Patricia Portillo, a Texas grandmother, was shot and killed at a Chick-fil-A by an illegal immigrant.

These women, daughters, sisters, mothers, and grandmothers have been torn from their loved ones' lives due to Harris' reckless border policies.

Illegal migrant crime is not the only threat women face. Since Harris became vice president, over 31 tons of fentanyl have crossed our southern border. This deadly drug has become the leading cause of death for Americans aged 18 to 45.

Anne Funder, who shared her heartbreaking story at the RNC in Milwaukee, lost her 15-year-old son to a fentanyl-laced pill in 2022. Mothers across the nation deserve a president who will address the fentanyl crisis plaguing our cities and protect our children.

Kamala Harris cannot prioritize women while her policies place criminals above American citizens.

Countless women are struggling to provide for their families and keep them safe. The Democrat Party has repeatedly failed them. It is time for women to break free from this party and support a president who means what they say: "Promises made, promises kept."