Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her "Law and Order" Rebranding

Vice President Kamala Harris's past statements and actions have raised concerns about her commitment to public safety and law enforcement, despite her campaign's attempt to portray her as a "law and order" proponent. This article examines six instances where Harris's record appears to contradict her current rebranding.

As Kamala Harris's presidential ambitions gain momentum, it is crucial to examine her true stance on public safety and policing matters. Despite her campaign's efforts to paint her as a "law and order" candidate, a closer look at her record reveals a troubling history of soft-on-crime policies.

Harris has relentlessly promoted the false narrative that Michael Brown, an unarmed African-American teenager, was murdered by a White cop in Ferguson, Missouri, in 2014. This claim has been debunked by a comprehensive investigation led by then-Attorney General Eric Holder. Harris's continued dissemination of misinformation is deeply concerning and disqualifying for a potential leader of the nation.

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her "Law and Order" Rebranding

Harris rushed to support Jussie Smollett's farcical claim that he was targeted by White, Trump-supporting MAGA enthusiasts in a "modern day lynching." Her hasty endorsement, despite clear evidence of Smollett's fabrication, raises questions about her judgment and ability to discern truth from falsehood.

As a sitting U.S. senator, Harris questioned whether ICE had "similarities" with the Ku Klux Klan. This outrageous comparison not only disrespects law enforcement officers but also undermines their efforts to combat illegal immigration and protect national security.

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her "Law and Order" Rebranding

Harris shamefully accused Customs and Border Protection agents of "whipping" Haitian migrants at the border, a baseless and partisan charge. Her comparison to slavery has deepened divisions within society and damaged the reputation of law enforcement agencies.

During the 2020 protests following George Floyd's death, Harris advocated for "demilitarizing police" and reducing funding for police departments. This position is at odds with the majority of African-American communities, who support increased policing in their neighborhoods.

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her "Law and Order" Rebranding

Harris promoted a Minnesota bail fund that helped free violent offenders during the 2020 protests and riots. Tragically, one of the individuals released through this fund, Shawn Michael Tillman, went on to commit murder. Harris's support for this fund raises serious questions about her commitment to public safety.

Beyond these specific instances, Harris has also voiced support for sanctuary city policies, which defy federal immigration authorities. Her encouragement for illegal border crossings has contributed to the chaos along the southern border and the rise of heinous crimes committed by illegal immigrants.

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her

Kamala Harris: A History of Soft-on-Crime Policies Undermines Her "Law and Order" Rebranding

Harris's soft-on-crime policies have had disastrous consequences. Cities have become more dangerous, and police officers are being targeted at an alarming rate. The demonization of law enforcement and support for failed reforms like bail reform, sanctuary cities, and defunding have eroded public order.

In light of her past statements and actions, it is difficult to believe that Kamala Harris would be an effective leader in ensuring the safety of the American people. Her record of promoting false narratives, coddling criminals, and undermining law enforcement raises serious concerns about her ability to protect our communities.