Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

As Democrats prepare for their National Convention, Vice President Kamala Harris emerges as the frontrunner for their presidential nomination. However, despite media attempts to portray her in a positive light, Harris's record and unpopularity with voters raise serious doubts about her candidacy.

All those accolades pouring in about Joe Biden being an "historic" president and a "great public servant"? Phony. Even before his catastrophic debate Biden’s approval ratings were in the gutter. 

Gushing over candidate Kamala Harris? Also phony. Democrats have been hand-wringing for months about how they could eject President Biden but not allow the unpopular V.P. to take his place. They are only coalescing around her now because they are panicked that an open selection process would throw their party into total disarray.

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Kamala Harris has been one of Joe Biden’s most stalwart defenders, lying brazenly for months about his fitness to serve as president for another four years. 

As his vice president, Harris has played a pivotal role in perpetrating one of the greatest political deceptions ever, a deception that has undermined confidence in our political system and put our country at risk. For this alone, she is disqualified from ever serving as this nation’s commander-in-chief.

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Still, Republicans need to steel themselves: Democrats are about to put on an incredible show. No, I don’t mean the Democratic Convention in Chicago, which starts on August 19. I mean the tidal wave of money and faux enthusiasm which is about to flow into the campaign to elect Kamala Harris.

Democrats everywhere will inundate the airwaves with excited testimonials about Harris’ candidacy; MSNBC hosts will be positively giddy.

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Republicans should take a deep breath and remember: it’s the same Kamala Harris. The only reason the V.P. looks good is that she is now being compared – not to Donald Trump – but to Joe Biden.

Rather than a shell of a man who cannot complete a sentence or find his way off the stage, the Democrats can now run a person who can unfortunately complete not just one sentence but quite often a salad full of sentences, many of which turn out to be meaningless.

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Is Kamala better than Joe? Absolutely. 

Is she, on her own merits, a good candidate? Absolutely not.

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats

Kamala Harris: A Phony Choice for Democrats


1. Kamala Harris is the face of the open border and the 10 million people who have entered the country illegally under the Biden-Harris administration. 

2. Harris flamed out of the Democratic primary race in 2020 before the Iowa caucuses, having garnered exactly zero delegates and before a single vote was cast. 

3. Despite numerous efforts by the White House to rebrand Harris, the V.P. never achieved traction. 

4. Even as Joe Biden began to lose support within his own party, few regarded Harris as an attractive replacement. 

5. As voters soured on Biden, and with Haley’s warnings making voters anxious, the media was enlisted last year to give Harris a boost in the lead-up to the reelection campaign. 

Govs. Gretchen Whitmer and Gavin Newsom, Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg and others are declining to run against the veep for the Democratic nomination. 

Is that a sign of support? A sign that Democrats are unified in their enthusiasm for Harris? Hardly. Aspiring Democrats undoubtedly figure Kamala Harris will go down in flames in November, leaving the field open for them in 2028. 

They will be right.