Kamala Harris: A Radical President in Waiting?

Fox News host Sean Hannity criticizes Vice President Kamala Harris for her "radical" policies, calling her the "Squad on steroids." Hannity also highlights the crisis at the border, which he attributes to Harris' leadership.

Fox News host Sean Hannity has unleashed a scathing attack on Vice President Kamala Harris, labeling her as the "Squad on steroids" and criticizing her for her "radical" policies. Hannity's comments came during a segment on his show, "Hannity," where he tore into Harris's record and her handling of the border crisis.

According to Hannity, Harris is "the most radical major party candidate for president in history," surpassing even the progressive members of the "Squad" in Congress. He accused Harris of holding views far to the left of Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow Democratic socialists.

Kamala Harris: A Radical President in Waiting?

Kamala Harris: A Radical President in Waiting?

Hannity pointed to Harris's support for policies such as defunding the police and the Green New Deal as evidence of her extreme ideology. He also criticized her handling of the border crisis, arguing that she has failed to address the surge in illegal immigration and the threat posed by potential terrorists entering the country.

"You know, since taking over as border czar (and in spite of their denial, Joe said he did task her with the job of fixing the problem at the border), more than 11 million Joe Biden/Kamala Harris unvetted, illegal immigrants have entered our country," Hannity said.

Hannity further claimed that under Harris's leadership, encounters with individuals on the terror watch list at the border have increased significantly. He cited figures showing that nearly 170 such encounters occurred last year alone, with around 100 so far this year.

"Remember, we have the 'got away number,'" Hannity added. "That likely makes that number much higher. We probably have terror cells in this country because of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris."

Hannity's comments reflect the growing criticism of Harris from conservative commentators, who view her as a dangerous figure who would pose a grave threat to the country if she were to become president. However, it is important to note that these criticisms are largely based on Hannity's own opinions and interpretations, and they should be taken with a grain of salt.

Whatever one's views on Harris, it is clear that she is a polarizing figure who has drawn both praise and criticism from across the political spectrum. Only time will tell whether she will ultimately succeed in her role as vice president and whether her policies will have the impact that Hannity and others fear.