Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Heather MacDonald, Manhattan Institute Fellow, exposes the catastrophic consequences of the crime policies implemented by Kamala Harris and Tim Walz in Chicago. She highlights the alarming statistics on educational failure, youth violence, and police morale, as well as the exodus of businesses and residents from the city.

As the Democratic National Convention convenes in Chicago, America has a sobering opportunity to witness the disastrous consequences of the party's agenda firsthand. Kamala Harris, a potential running mate for Joe Biden, and Tim Walz, Governor of Minnesota, embody this agenda, which has wreaked havoc on the Windy City.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Chicago's dire educational crisis serves as a glaring indictment of Democratic priorities. Despite lavish taxpayer funding, public school students are abysmally failing, with proficiency rates hovering around 12% in math and 16% in reading. This educational neglect is not accidental; it is a direct result of exorbitant funding for teachers unions, the Democratic Party's most powerful special interest group.

Instead of empowering students, Democrats have prioritized paying off their union allies. Last year, state lawmakers killed a scholarship program that enabled low-income children to escape failing schools. National Democrats have also opposed school choice, condemning low-income families to subpar education.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Chicago's runaway crime crisis is another tragic consequence of Democratic policies. Roving gangs of teenagers terrorize residents and tourists alike, with minors accounting for a significant portion of arrests for violent crimes. Young people in Chicago face a higher death rate than active-duty soldiers in Iraq.

This rampant criminality is no accident. Democrats have systematically weakened law enforcement. In 2021, they cut police funding and personnel, resulting in a 30% surge in crime. Police morale has plummeted, with officers feeling abandoned by their leadership.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Harris, who has advocated for ending cash bail and mandatory minimum sentences, has signaled her support for policies that would further embolden criminals. Walz, who presided over widespread riots and unrest in 2020, has shown little appetite for holding the perpetrators accountable.

Compounding the crime and education crises, Chicagoans endure suffocating taxes. The city has the second-highest sales tax and property taxes in the nation. The tax burden has driven residents and businesses out of the city in droves. Major companies like Boeing and Tyson Foods have relocated their headquarters, and downtown Chicago has set records for office vacancy rates.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Mayor Brandon Johnson's assertion that Chicago "demonstrates the values of the Democratic Party" is a galling misrepresentation. The city's mounting failure is a testament to the disastrous consequences of Democratic policies and a warning for the rest of America.

If Harris and Walz win the election, the Chicago nightmare will spread across the nation. Their promises to invest in education and law enforcement are hollow rhetoric, as their track records prove that they prioritize special interests and ideological purity over the well-being of citizens.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis

America must heed the lessons of Chicago and reject the Democratic agenda that has brought this once-great city to its knees.

Kamala Harris and Tim Walz: Godparents of the Crime Crisis