Kamala Harris' Border Czar Myth: A Song and Dance of Disinformation

Vice President Kamala Harris's role in border security has been the subject of conflicting claims, with Democrats and media outlets now denying she was ever appointed as a "border czar." This article takes a satirical look at the misinformation surrounding Harris's border role and presents it through the lens of popular show tunes.

## Article:

Kamala Harris' Border Czar Myth: A Song and Dance of Disinformation

Kamala Harris' Border Czar Myth: A Song and Dance of Disinformation

In the realm of border control, a tale unfolds,

A tale where truth and falsehoods take their holds.

Democrats and media, they dance and they sway,

Claiming Harris was no czar, come what may.

Joe Biden's mandate, clear as the day,

To stem the migrant tide, come what may.

Harris appointed, her task defined,

To keep our borders safe, leave no one behind.

The tapes they show, the words they spoke,

All point to Harris, the role she evoked.

But now they deny, with faces so bold,

A blatant reversal, their stories unfold.

South of the border, the truth they did blur,

Kamala the czar, a role they prefer.

Eight million crossed, despite her command,

A dismal failure, they cannot withstand.

In the world of politics, strange things unfold,

Where nominations are made, not by the bold.

Kamala's ascent, a grassroots charade,

A media echo, party bosses serenade.

No straw polls held, no voters to sway,

Just party dictates, paving the way.

For Barack's blessing, her fate was sealed,

Kamala anointed, the chosen yield.

The suckers follow, blind to the ruse,

As party bosses their agenda impose.

Cackling Kamala, her charm they extol,

It had to be her, the liberals' call.

In the realm of history, a curious game,

Facts erased, memories put to shame.

Govtrack's page, once truthful and bold,

Scrubbed clean, a story retold.

Wikipedia's revisions, a stealthy affair,

Transforming Kamala, beyond compare.

The woke senator, a fading trace,

A moderate persona, to fill its place.

The leftist past, a burden to shed,

A new Kamala emerges, in its stead.

Gone is the old, in comes the tame,

Media complicit, playing the blame.

Wash that woke right out, let memory fade,

A new narrative spun, for the masquerade.

Truth distorted, falsehoods enshrined,

In the realm of misinformation, all is defined.

In the fight against misinformation, we must not stray,

From truth and logic, the guiding way.

With song and satire, we unveil the sham,

Exposing the peddlers, their deceitful plan.

Kamala Harris's border czar myth, a blatant lie,

A testament to the spin that cannot die.

But as we sing, the truth shall prevail,

And the web of deception, surely shall fail.