Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

Despite plummeting poll numbers and scathing criticism of her inaction on immigration, Vice President Kamala Harris made a last-ditch effort to address border security with a brief visit to the southern border. However, her attempt to absolve herself of blame and shift responsibility to former President Trump has been met with widespread skepticism and condemnation.

Kamala Harris' floundering presidential campaign has prompted a desperate attempt to address her glaring vulnerability on immigration. With poll numbers dwindling and pressure mounting, Harris decided to visit the southern border in a bid to convince voters that she has been actively addressing the issue.

However, her 20-minute photo op, accompanied by a feeble attempt to blame former President Trump for the current crisis, has fallen flat. Critics have accused Harris of hypocrisy and a lack of accountability.

Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

A recent CNN poll revealed that 49% of voters trust Trump on immigration, compared to only 35% who trust Harris. This stark contrast highlights the public's perception of Harris as detached and unconcerned about border security.

The sudden surge in illegal border crossings began shortly after Biden's inauguration. Biden's 89 executive actions in his first 100 days, which reversed Trump's safeguards, created an open invitation for migrants to breach the border.

Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

Harris' attempt to deflect blame by blaming Trump for her own failures has been met with disbelief. The bipartisan Senate bill that Harris claims Trump sabotaged was actually criticized by Republicans for giving the White House excessive discretion in enforcing asylum laws and leaving loopholes for cartels to exploit.

Moreover, the bill was introduced this year, after millions of migrants had already illegally entered the country. As the Border Patrol Union pointed out, "Vice President Harris has ignored the border problem she created for over three years. She goes down there for 20 minutes for a photo op… where has she been the last 3 1/2 years?"

Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

Kamala Harris' Border Visit: A Desperate Attempt to Revive her Failing Campaign

Harris's latest stunt comes on the heels of a report by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) that revealed that 425,431 convicted criminals, including murderers, kidnappers, and burglars, have illegally crossed the border and are now at large in the United States.

This outrageous statistic highlights the broken system that Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, and Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas have allowed to fester. Their failure to address the crisis has contributed to the deaths of thousands of Americans due to fentanyl overdoses.

Instead of prioritizing border security, the Biden-Harris White House has focused on providing a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants. Biden's "U.S. Citizenship Act," introduced on his first day in office, was a sop to progressives and did nothing to address the urgent need for border protection.

Congress never took up the bill, further demonstrating the Biden-Harris administration's lack of commitment to border security. A senior official of the National Border Patrol Council labeled Harris's last-minute border visit "a slap in the face to the American public."

Millions of Americans share this sentiment. Harris's attempt to absolve herself of responsibility and blame others for her failures is seen as a desperate and disingenuous attempt to salvage her sinking campaign.