Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign is reportedly frustrated with President Biden's recent media appearances, particularly his off-the-cuff exchanges with reporters, and wishes he would stay away on his next foreign trip for longer.

CNN reporter Edward-Isaac Dovere revealed on Monday that the Harris campaign is disgruntled with President Biden's recent public outings, which they believe have overshadowed Harris's own efforts. Specifically, they were upset by Biden's impromptu appearance in the White House briefing room on Friday, which occurred shortly after Harris had taken the stage for a speech in Detroit.

Dovere explained that the timing of Biden's appearance was particularly irksome to the Harris campaign, which had not been informed of it beforehand. They felt that it detracted from Harris's message and undermined her efforts to promote her own agenda.

Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

In light of this frustration, Dovere reported that many within the Harris campaign are hoping that Biden will extend his upcoming foreign trip to Angola and Germany for a longer period. They believe that the president's absence would provide Harris with more space to make her case to voters and establish her own identity as a potential candidate for the presidency in 2024.

The Harris campaign's discontent stems from Biden's recent tendency to make unscripted remarks, which have occasionally put him at odds with his administration's official stance. For instance, Biden's recent comments on Hurricane Helene response were seen as undermining the National Hurricane Center's authority.

Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

Dovere added that Harris's position as incumbent vice president presents a unique challenge. She must balance her desire to embody the spirit of change and distance herself from Biden's unpopular policies with the need to maintain a semblance of loyalty to the administration.

The Harris campaign declined to comment on Dovere's report. However, Dovere had previously revealed that some of Biden's closest advisers believe that he would be in a better political position today if he had not run for president in 2020.

Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

Kamala Harris' Campaign Frustrated With Biden's Recent Appearances, Wishes He Would Extend Foreign Trip

During his impromptu press appearance on Friday, Biden emphasized his close working relationship with Harris, stating that they are "singing from the same song sheet." However, the Harris campaign's frustration suggests that tensions may be simmering beneath the surface.

The White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment on the Harris campaign's dissatisfaction.

Dovere's report highlights the complex dynamics within the Biden administration as Harris attempts to carve out her own political path while grappling with the limitations imposed by her position as vice president.

As Biden embarks on his foreign trip, the Harris campaign will be closely monitoring his public appearances, hoping that he will provide them with the breathing room they believe they need to establish Harris as a viable contender for the presidency.