Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

A body language expert has concluded that Vice President Kamala Harris lacked confidence in her first televised interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee. The expert noted Harris' frequent downward gaze, head bobbling, and inconsistent answers as indicators of her discomfort.

Vice President Kamala Harris' first television interview since becoming the Democratic presidential nominee has been analyzed by body language expert Susan Constantine, who has opined that Harris exhibited a lack of confidence and a demeanor that fell short of presidential expectations.

Constantine, a seasoned body language expert, scrutinized Harris' interview with CNN alongside Minnesota Governor Tim Walz on Thursday night, observing that the vice president frequently looked down while responding to questions. This downward gaze, according to Constantine, diminished Harris' fluidity and authenticity.

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

"When I look at her overall demeanor, she does not carry the confidence or the presidential appearance in her demeanor to command in her position," Constantine stated to Fox News Digital. "For everything I saw last night, she definitely needs to make some tweaks into her body language to appear more confident."

Constantine further elaborated on Harris' head bobbling, a gesture she interpreted as a sign of hesitation and uncertainty. "You know, the head bobbling is 'what part of the file in my subconscious am I going to pull out? Which ones are my answers?'" Constantine explained. "She couldn't come up with a crystal clear answer, and that's why she tends to bobble."

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

Constantine also noted the connection between Harris' wavering gaze and her lack of confidence. "When you bobble and waffle like that, that's another signal that she's not really... prepared. She doesn't really have confidence in her own answers," Constantine remarked.

Additionally, Constantine pointed out Harris' tendency to break gaze, interpreting this behavior as a form of deflection. "So when you're removing an eye gaze, not making good eye contact, it's just showing me that she's not confident in what she's saying," Constantine explained.

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

During the interview, Harris sat beside Walz, and Constantine observed that Harris repeatedly sought acknowledgment from her running mate. "She is looking for that signal from Walz to see if he's on board," Constantine said. "Many times when we see him, he's got the pressed lips — that tends to be a more serious, more collected, expression in his mouth."

Despite being a woman in a position of power, Constantine contends that Harris' demeanor did not reflect her status. "Overall, you know, as one woman to another, I would say if you're going to be a woman in power, you have to look like a woman in power," Constantine stated. "And she doesn't at this time."

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

Kamala Harris' Demeanor Lacked Confidence, Says Body Language Expert

The Harris campaign has not yet responded to Fox News Digital's request for comment on Harris' performance in the interview. Fox News contributors Emmett Jones, Emma Colton, and Matteo Cina provided additional reporting for this article.