Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Vice President Kamala Harris' recent solo interview has sparked widespread criticism, casting doubt on her qualifications for the highest office in the land. Critics have seized on her rambling, substance-lacking answers as evidence of her unsuitability for the presidency.

Vice President Kamala Harris' first solo sit-down interview this week has left many questioning her ability to assume the office of the presidency. During the interview with Philadelphia's 6 ABC anchor Brian Taff, Harris provided answers that were criticized as being overlong, devoid of substance, and evading direct questions about her actual economic policies.

Harris' critics on social media declared that the conversation proved her unfitness for office. "Oh my goodness this is an absolute train wreck," digital strategist Greg Price wrote about the interview on the social media platform.

Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Harris' interview took a particular hit online for one answer in particular, where she gave a meandering response about growing up middle class to a direct question about what policies she will enact to provide economic relief to Pennsylvanians.

"When we talk about bringing down prices and making life more affordable for people, what are one or two specific things you have in mind for that?" Taff asked.

Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Harris replied, stating, "Well, I'll start with this. I grew up a middle-class kid. My mother raised my sister and me. She worked very hard. She was able to finally save up enough money to buy our first house when I was a teenager."

The Democratic candidate continued: "I grew up in a community of hard-working people, you know, construction workers and nurses and teachers. And I try to explain to some people who may not have had the same experience. You know, a lot of people will relate to this."

Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Dismal Interview Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

At first, Harris declined to mention any policy, continuing to go on about growing "up in a neighborhood of folks who were very proud of their lawn." After more dialogue about her mother, she finally touted her proposals to give start-up businesses a "$50,000 tax deduction" and new home buyers a "$25,000 down payment assistance."

For some social media users, the answer offered more proof of Harris being unqualified for office.

Daily Wire reporter Ryan Saavedra wrote, "This interview that Kamala Harris gave is truly staggering. Never have seen a politician this nervous, this unprepared for the office they are running for, and this clueless headed into an election. Kind of scary to be honest."

Culture reporter Matt Kadish remarked, "Usually, going through the primary process weeds out the people who aren't ready for prime time. Womp, Womp."

Author Tim Murtaugh claimed, "Kamala Harris is getting roasted over her first solo (taped) TV interview tonight and there are no Democrat accounts out here defending her."

The Trump War Room Twitter account compared Harris' interview answers to similar answers she gave during her debate with former President Trump.

The account stated, "Kamala during the debate on the economy: ‘I grew up a middle class kid...’ Kamala three days later on the economy: ‘I grew up a middle class kid...’ She has no plan for America; all she can do is repeat the same rehearsed talking points."

The Harris campaign did not immediately respond to Fox News Digital's request for comment.

The backlash against Harris' interview highlights the growing concerns about her fitness for the presidency. With the midterm elections fast approaching, the Democratic Party is facing an uphill battle to maintain control of Congress. Harris' poor performance may further damage the party's chances in an already challenging political landscape.