Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

Vice President Kamala Harris has avoided holding a formal press conference for 16 days since becoming the presumptive Democratic presidential nominee. Critics have likened her strategy to the "Biden basement" approach that was derided in the 2020 campaign.

Vice President Kamala Harris has remained elusive in her bid for the presidency, dodging press conferences and formal interviews for over two weeks. This strategy has drawn comparisons to President Biden's "basement" approach in 2020, which involved limiting public appearances and relying on prepared speeches.

Harris's refusal to face tough questions has raised eyebrows among political observers, who argue that she needs to demonstrate her ability to handle scrutiny and defend her positions. National Review senior writer Noah Rothman emphasized the importance of press conferences for candidates, arguing that it "reveals exposure to which a candidate can submit."

Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

NewsBusters executive editor Tim Graham predicted that Harris will follow Biden's 2020 playbook and avoid press conferences. He pointed out the irony in Trump's frequent engagement with media outlets that criticize him, while Biden and Harris avoid interviews with outlets that support them.

DePauw University media studies professor Jeffrey McCall suggested that Harris's campaign is aware of Biden's successful dodging of the media in 2020. He also noted that Harris's weakness in unscripted settings and the lack of interest in her policy positions among her supporters may have influenced the decision to avoid press conferences.

Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

Despite the criticism, Harris has continued her campaign trail appearances, spoken at events, and given brief remarks to reporters. She is expected to announce her running mate on Tuesday and appear with them at a rally in Philadelphia this evening.

Some supporters question whether Harris feels pressure to hold a press conference since the Democratic nomination is essentially hers. McCall argued that a press conference would be necessary to attract moderates and undecided voters who want to see her take questions.

Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

Kamala Harris Dodges Press Conferences Amid VP Run

Harris's decision to avoid press conferences has been met with mixed reactions. Some argue that it is a wise strategy, while others believe that it undermines her credibility and ability to connect with voters. The Democratic National Convention is set to begin on August 19th, and Harris is expected to deliver a major speech at the event. It remains to be seen whether she will address the criticism and hold a press conference before then.