Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

Despite President Biden's endorsement, Vice President Kamala Harris's chances of winning the Democratic nomination are being questioned by influential New York Times columnists and writers. They believe she is not the most electable or inspiring choice and rate her below several other contenders in terms of electability and enthusiasm among voters.

President Biden's endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as his successor has sparked debate within the Democratic Party. While some party members welcome Harris as the presumptive nominee, others, including respected New York Times columnists and writers, have expressed reservations.

Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

The Times sought the opinions of eight Opinion columnists and contributors on a field of potential Democratic contenders, and Harris emerged as their least preferred option. On a scale of 0 to 10, where 0 indicates no chance of beating former President Donald Trump and 10 represents an overwhelming victory, Harris received a dismal 4.6 in the "electability" category.

In contrast, Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer received the highest "excitement" rating of 7.1, followed by Senators Raphael Warnock and Mark Kelly, and Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro. These candidates were all considered more inspiring by the Times staffers.

Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

Harris's relatively low scores stem from concerns about her political skills and public perception. Pamela Paul, a Times columnist, remarked that Harris is "a fundamentally weak candidate" whose early presidential run fizzled out and whose performance as vice president has been underwhelming.

Ross Douthat, another Times columnist, described Harris as a "mediocre politician" with low national approval ratings. He believes her nomination would be based solely on Biden's support rather than her own merits.

Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

Kamala Harris Faces Opposition from Democratic Insiders

However, not all Times staffers share this negative assessment. Jamelle Bouie, who gave Harris the highest excitement rating among the panel, believes she is the only "serious" option. He argues that Harris is a more capable campaigner than she previously appeared and could unite the party behind her.

Despite Bouie's enthusiasm, the concerns raised by other Times staffers cannot be ignored. Harris's low electability scores and questions about her political strength raise doubts about her ability to defeat Trump in a general election.

As the Democratic National Convention approaches, the party will need to carefully consider its options and decide whether Harris is the best choice to lead them into the 2024 election. The Times's assessment of her candidacy serves as a wake-up call to party leaders to scrutinize her strengths and weaknesses before making a final decision.