Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

Democrats and the media are engaged in efforts to portray Vice President Kamala Harris as a moderate, despite her past support for far-left policies. Co-hosts of "The Five" discuss these attempts and their implications for Harris's potential presidential aspirations.

With President Joe Biden declining to seek a second term in 2024, attention has shifted to potential Democratic presidential candidates, including Vice President Kamala Harris. In recent months, Democrats and the media have made concerted efforts to recast Harris as a moderate, despite her past support for far-left policies.

This shift is evident in the way Harris is portrayed in the media and in the public statements of Democratic leaders. For example, a recent article in The New York Times described Harris as "more cautious and measured" than her previous self. Similarly, Democratic strategist James Carville has praised Harris's "ability to connect with people."

Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

These attempts to portray Harris as a moderate are likely motivated by the perception that her far-left agenda is a liability. Harris has been a vocal supporter of Medicare for All, the Green New Deal, and defunding the police. These policies are unpopular with many voters, especially in swing states.

By portraying Harris as a moderate, Democrats hope to make her more appealing to these voters. However, it remains to be seen whether this strategy will be successful. Harris's past statements and actions are well-documented, and it may be difficult for voters to believe that she has truly changed her views.

Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

On a recent episode of "The Five," co-hosts Juan Williams, Jesse Watters, Dana Perino, Greg Gutfeld, and Jeanine Pirro discussed the efforts to recast Harris as a moderate. Williams expressed skepticism, noting that Harris's past statements and actions suggest she is far from a moderate.

Watters agreed, saying that Harris is "a wolf in sheep's clothing." He argued that Harris is simply trying to hide her true beliefs in order to get elected.

Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

Kamala Harris' Far-Left Agenda Faces Scrutiny as Democrats Attempt to Recast Her as Moderate

Perino disagreed, saying that Harris is "a pragmatist." She argued that Harris is willing to moderate her views in order to win elections.

Gutfeld was more blunt, saying that Harris is "a chameleon." He argued that Harris changes her views depending on her audience.

Pirro agreed with Gutfeld, saying that Harris is "a fraud." She argued that Harris is simply trying to fool voters into thinking she is someone she is not.

Despite the efforts to portray Harris as a moderate, her far-left agenda remains a liability. A recent poll found that 54% of voters believe that Harris is too liberal. This is a significant obstacle for Harris if she decides to run for president in 2024.

Democrats are aware of this liability, which is why they are trying to recast Harris as a moderate. However, it remains to be seen whether this strategy will be successful. Harris's past statements and actions are well-documented, and it may be difficult for voters to believe that she has truly changed her views.

The efforts to recast Kamala Harris as a moderate are a sign of the challenges facing Democrats in the 2024 election. Harris's far-left agenda is a liability, and Democrats are hoping that by portraying her as a moderate, they can make her more appealing to voters. However, it remains to be seen whether this strategy will be successful.