Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Vice President Kamala Harris' ability to lead the nation, particularly in the realm of foreign policy, has been subjected to scrutiny. This article examines her handling of key geopolitical issues and assesses her potential as a future commander-in-chief.

Vice President Kamala Harris' ability to lead the nation, particularly in the realm of foreign policy, has been subjected to scrutiny. As she emerges as a potential Democratic nominee for the 2024 presidential election, her handling of key geopolitical issues and her readiness to confront U.S. adversaries have come under the microscope.

Harris has played a relatively subordinate role to President Joe Biden in shaping U.S. foreign policy, as is typical for vice presidents. However, her handling of the immigration crisis and her stance on conflicts in Gaza and Ukraine have drawn considerable attention and raised questions about her ability to navigate complex international challenges.

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

In 2021, Harris was dubbed the "border czar" for her role in addressing the surge in illegal immigration at the U.S.-Mexico border. Critics have argued that she failed to make a meaningful impact on the crisis, despite her trips to Central America to address root causes.

Harris has been actively involved in the U.S. response to the war in Ukraine, traveling to Europe on multiple occasions to reaffirm support for Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and NATO allies. She has condemned Russia's invasion and emphasized the importance of upholding the international rules-based order.

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Harris' stance on the war in Gaza has been divisive within the Democratic Party. While she has expressed support for Israel's right to defend itself, she has also voiced concern about the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and the disproportionate civilian casualties. Former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has accused Harris of messaging Hamas leadership implicitly.

Harris has also traveled to Africa and Asia to advance U.S. interests. In Africa, she focused on economic and security cooperation, while in Asia, she addressed climate change, maritime security, and tensions with China. She has taken a tough stance on China, accusing Beijing of bullying in the South China Sea and calling for "de-risking" measures.

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Overall, Harris' foreign policy experience is limited compared to other potential Democratic candidates. Her handling of the immigration crisis has been criticized, but her involvement in Ukraine and her tough talk on China suggest a nuanced understanding of international affairs.

If elected president, Harris would have to confront an array of global challenges, including the ongoing war in Ukraine, tensions with China, and ongoing humanitarian crises in the Middle East and Afghanistan. Her ability to lead the nation through these challenges will depend on her ability to build consensus, manage complex negotiations, and make decisive decisions under pressure.

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look

As the 2024 election draws near, Harris' foreign policy experience and positions will undoubtedly come under further scrutiny. Her record in office and her ability to articulate a compelling vision for America's role in the world will play a pivotal role in determining her electability and her potential to lead the United States on the global stage.

Kamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer LookKamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer LookKamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer LookKamala Harris' Foreign Policy: A Closer Look