Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

Former Vice President Kamala Harris's past statements on immigration have resurfaced, highlighting a stark contrast between her previous stance and her current tough approach to border security. Critics accuse Harris of opening the border and abandoning her earlier promises.

Vice President Kamala Harris has come under renewed scrutiny over her past immigration stance, which critics allege has led to an open border crisis. A recently resurfaced clip from 2019 shows Harris pledging to close down facilities that hold illegal immigrants on "day one" of her presidency. However, since becoming Vice President, Harris has adopted a tougher position on immigration, promising to secure the border and strengthen border security.

This reversal has drawn criticism from Republicans, who accuse Harris of flip-flopping on the issue and prioritizing open borders. GOP vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance asserted that Harris "opened the border by design," while Senator Ted Cruz urged people to "believe her" when she stated her intentions on immigration. Conservative commentator Greg Price anticipated a denial from Harris's campaign, questioning the authenticity of her current position.

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

Harris's prior advocacy for decriminalizing illegal border crossings and releasing undocumented criminals has further fueled criticism from the right. Donald Trump Jr. blamed Harris's open border policies for the tragic death of Laken Riley, while Stephen Miller condemned her platform as "no border, no nation, no deportation." Representative Chip Roy argued that progressives not only advocate for open borders but are aiming to eliminate borders entirely.

Data from U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement (ICE) indicates that over 37,000 migrants were held in 18 private detention facilities in July 2024. Of those, just over 10,000 had criminal records, and approximately 4,600 had pending criminal charges.

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

Harris's critics maintain that her previous promises to close down immigration detention facilities and her current tough stance on border security are irreconcilable. They accuse her of misleading the public and prioritizing open borders at the expense of national security.

Despite the criticism, Harris has defended her evolving stance on immigration, emphasizing her experience as Attorney General of California, where she prosecuted transnational gangs and human traffickers. She has also acknowledged the need for comprehensive immigration reform, including strong border security and a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders

However, the resurgence of Harris's past statements is likely to fuel further debate over her commitment to border security and her ability to effectively address the immigration crisis facing the nation.

Kamala Harris' Immigration U-turn: Broken Promises and Open Borders