Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

"Shark Tank" star Kevin O'Leary has questioned Kamala Harris' accomplishments and raised concerns about her fitness to be president, given her high staff turnover rate and lack of a clear record of achievement.

Vice President Kamala Harris has come under fire for a report of a 92% staff turnover rate within her vice presidential office, raising questions about her leadership abilities and the policies she has accomplished in her career. "Shark Tank" star Kevin O'Leary has expressed concerns about her lack of a track record, saying that if he were hiring her, he would ask, "What was a goal? What did you achieve?"

O'Leary compared Harris to Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who initially swept into power based on his image but has since faced criticism for his lack of executional skills. O'Leary warned that the same could happen with Harris, noting that "if she wants to win, she's got to go to the center. But she's got to have some ideas on how to run the country."

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Gil Duran, who worked as communications director for Harris when she served as California's attorney general, said the amount of stress in her office was "unbearable" and that she took it out on staff members. Duran quit after only five months.

Host Jesse Watters raised concerns about Harris' fitness to be president, asking, "How could she lead millions of Americans if she can't even lead 50?"

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

O'Leary emphasized the importance of leaving aside politics and examining Harris' actual accomplishments. "Because if I was hiring her – and I'm not trying to be partisan – I would ask her, ‘What was a goal? What did you achieve?’ Because any governor or any senator that would put into presidential viability would have a history, a track record of doing stuff."

O'Leary argued that the problems coming to light are leading to "buyer's remorse" within the Democratic Party. "That's an extraordinary number. You're wiping out your entire staff. Obviously, a problem there," he said.

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

O'Leary also noted that Harris has been backing away from several far-left stances she once promoted, suggesting that she lacks conviction in her beliefs.

Critics have accused Harris of being all talk and no action, claiming that she makes promises but fails to deliver results. Supporters, on the other hand, defend her, saying that she is a strong leader who is committed to making a difference.

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

Kamala Harris' Lack of Accomplishments Raises Concerns About Her Fitness for Presidency

However, the lack of a clear track record and the high staff turnover rate have raised doubts about Harris' ability to effectively lead the nation. As the 2024 presidential election approaches, Harris will need to address these concerns and demonstrate that she has the skills and experience to be president.