Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

Vice President Kamala Harris has claimed that she worked at McDonald's as a teenager, but that job is conspicuously absent from her early resumes and memoir. Ben Domenech and Ari Fleischer discuss this omission and the lessons that Harris may have learned from her experiences in government.

Vice President Kamala Harris's assertion that she worked at McDonald's as a teenager has raised eyebrows, given its absence from her early resumes and memoir. While some may dismiss this as a minor discrepancy, it raises questions about the extent of Harris's work experience and the lessons she has learned from it.

Harris's career has been largely spent in government, either as a prosecutor or a senator. During the ABC News Presidential Debate, she highlighted her experience as a "child of the Civil Rights Movement" and her "public service pedigree." However, her early work experience, if any, in the private sector remains a mystery.

Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

Ben Domenech, a Fox News contributor, drew a parallel between Harris's missing McDonald's job and his own omitted teenage summer job at the Virginia Highway Department. While that job may not have been glamorous, it taught him valuable lessons about the nature of government.

Domenech recounted his experiences as a "flag man," holding up traffic while highway employees "idled away the hours." He also described "roadkill ridealongs" with a trucker who favored cheap cigars. Despite their supposed duty to bury dead animals, Domenech and his coworker often opted for a more efficient approach, heaving the carcasses into the bushes.

Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

These anecdotes illustrate the pervasive inefficiency and slacker mentality that Domenech encountered in the highway department. He observed that "anyone who worked harder was viewed as a nuisance, if not a menace."

Ari Fleischer, another Fox News contributor, echoed Domenech's criticisms of government bureaucracy. He attributed the department's incompetence to its lack of accountability and its tendency for officials to become embroiled in decision-making, leading to "boneheaded" results.

Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

Kamala Harris' Missing McDonald's Job and the Lessons of Government Incompetence

Fleischer highlighted the contrast between the highway department's slow pace and his own experience unloading boxes of books at a bindery on Friday nights. The bindery job paid cash and rewarded efficiency, while the government job emphasized time-wasting.

Fleischer lamented that Harris's work experience is almost entirely in government, which may have prevented her from witnessing the "perpetual incompetence" that often plagues public institutions.

He suggested that Harris's lack of private-sector experience may have contributed to her embrace of government power. Fleischer argued that the "occupational hazard" of government work is the "love of power," which can lead to the creation of ineffective boondoggles.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris's missing McDonald's job serves as a reminder of the importance of transparency and the value of diverse work experiences. While government service can provide valuable lessons, it is essential to also have a grounding in the private sector, where efficiency and accountability are paramount.