Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Vice President Kamala Harris's first major policy speech has sparked criticism for its lack of substance, but experts believe policy will play a minor role in the 2024 election. Harris's personal appeal and focus on kitchen-table issues are likely to sway voters more than specific policy proposals.

Kamala Harris's first big policy speech may have fallen short of expectations, but experts believe policy will play a relatively minor role in the 2024 presidential election. Instead, Harris's personal appeal and focus on kitchen-table issues for middle-class families are likely to carry more weight with voters.

Critics have panned Harris's speech for lacking substance, with the Washington Post's editorial board declaring that she "squandered the moment on populist gimmicks." However, Josh Barro of the Atlantic argues that Harris's proposals, such as a crackdown on price-gouging, may not be appealing to economists but will resonate with voters who are concerned about inflation.

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Despite the criticisms, Harris's youth, vigor, and excitement have drawn large crowds, boosted her fundraising efforts, and propelled her up in the polls. She has become a cultural phenomenon and a TikTok sensation, sending a message that she is laser-focused on reducing inflation and other kitchen-table issues.

While Harris is certainly not a shoo-in for the presidency, her personal appeal could help her overcome the challenges she faces. She still needs to win over voters in key states like Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin, but her closing gap in the polls in four Sun Belt states suggests that she is gaining ground.

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

One of Harris's strengths is her ability to connect with female voters, who represent a significant portion of the electorate. In 2016, Hillary Clinton's failure to inspire female voters was a contributing factor to her defeat. Harris, on the other hand, seems to be having more success in this area.

In contrast to Trump's sharp focus on a few key issues in 2016, Harris is taking a more comprehensive approach. She is making proposals on a wide range of issues, including healthcare, education, and climate change. However, her speech lacked specifics on how she would pay for her plans, which could become a liability if she becomes the nominee.

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

While policy may not be the driving factor in the election, it will still play a role. Trump will likely attack Harris's record as a senator and vice president, and she will need to be prepared to defend her positions.

The media's coverage of Harris has been largely favorable, with many outlets giving her a pass on her lack of press conferences and interviews. This is in stark contrast to their treatment of Trump, who has faced relentless criticism for his media avoidance.

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Kamala Harris: Politics of Personality Over Policy

Some commentators have accused the media of hypocrisy for excusing Harris's lack of press availability while simultaneously condemning Trump for the same behavior. They argue that the media's bias is preventing voters from getting a full picture of Harris and her policies.

As the election approaches, it remains to be seen whether Harris's personal appeal will be enough to overcome the challenges she faces. Policy will likely play a secondary role, but it could still be a factor in the outcome.