Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Hollywood Reporter senior awards editor Steven Zeitchik expresses concerns that Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro's exclusion from Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate consideration may signal a shift within the Democratic Party away from openly Jewish candidates. Allegations of antisemitism have surfaced, sparking discussions about the potential impact on liberal Jewish voters.

The Democratic Party has long been considered a champion of diversity and inclusivity, but recent events have raised concerns about the treatment of Jewish candidates within the party. The exclusion of Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro from Vice President Kamala Harris' running mate consideration has ignited a debate about whether antisemitism is influencing decision-making in the party.

Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Hollywood Reporter senior awards editor Steven Zeitchik has expressed his belief that Shapiro, a staunch supporter of Israel, may have been passed over due to his Jewish faith. Zeitchik argues that a smear campaign against Shapiro, branding him as "Genocide Josh," may have played a role in his exclusion.

Shapiro's opponents have pointed to an op-ed he wrote over 30 years ago expressing support for Israel. However, Zeitchik highlights that Shapiro's views on Israel align with traditional Democratic principles.

Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Zeitchik has received support from fellow Jewish Americans in Hollywood, who share his concerns about the political climate within the Democratic Party. They believe that Harris' decision to choose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz, who is not Jewish, was influenced by a desire to appease antisemitic elements within the party.

CNN commentator Van Jones has also questioned whether antisemitism contributed to Shapiro's exclusion. NBC chief political analyst Chuck Todd has wondered if Harris is susceptible to pressure from far-left elements within her party.

Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Kamala Harris' Running Mate Pick Raises Concerns about Antisemitism in Democratic Party

Zeitchik and his Jewish colleagues have faced criticism from conservatives who accuse them of seeing antisemitism where it does not exist. However, they have countered these accusations by pointing to the "gleeful" attacks on Shapiro.

Zeitchik lauds Walz as a "solid candidate" with a strong record of opposing antisemitism. However, he maintains that Harris' choice may still be tainted by antisemitism.

He concludes by expressing the concerns of liberal Jews who feel like they are being pushed away from the Democratic Party. While they support the party's policies, they fear that their own identity is no longer welcome.